
Monday, May 16, 2011


A very sweet friend of mine surprised me with a gift subscription to
Country Living Magazine!

Ironically I had just recently picked up an issue (the one above) because of the black and white floor which caught my eye and then the headline article for being "the bargain issue" (can't go wrong with a bargain!). 

After perusing through the issue, filled with decorating ideas, gardening ideas, even recipes, I told 2nd Man that we should subscribe to this, it seemed a natural fit with our plans,
since we will, afterall be "Country Living".  I just never got around to doing it!

Just a reminder that magazine subscriptions are a great idea to give someone as a gift.  There are so many magazines out there related to virtually any topic, if you give someone a subscription to a magazine, they'll think of you every month when it comes in the mail.  It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

So a big "THANK YOU" to my wonderful friend,
and I'm sure in the months to come, I'll be referring to things I saw in my latest issue of Country Living (link to their website).


  1. I love Country Living (well that and the magazine, ha!) I have older copies archived in magazine bins on my bookshelf. I never tire of reading them. EVENTUALLY I hope to scan them in using a cataloging software and then I can finally recycle the worn and dog eared pages.

  2. @Tonya: Thanks and welcome to the blog!! I love keeping old issues of magazines I love. A cataloging software with a scanner would be a great idea. I might have to look into that! And I love the comment of loving Country Living AND the magazine, so true!!! :-)


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