
Friday, May 6, 2011


Today will be a day off from blogging.  I know I normally use Thursday's "inspiration photo" day as my day off, but all this farm work has caught up with me and I'm experiencing some major sciatic type back pain.

It's better if I move around or lay down instead of sitting, and of course that's not conducive to blogging.
So I'm taking some Advil, doing some stretches, and working through the pain.

I'll post as soon as I'm feeling back up for it, hopefully tomorrow!
Might not make it to the farm though this weekend, darn it.

In the mean time, we have over 100 posts now, take a few moments and scroll down to the bottom
of the page and click on "older posts".  You can do that all the way back to the beginning, over 6 months ago, and maybe you'll see something you missed.

Thanks again and any tips for relieving that "radiating down one leg" type pain would
be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Tequila!!! No, seriously, I've dealt with this pain and a chiropractor can work wonders.

    I was thinking of you as I was flipping through some magazines. In the May 16, 2011 issue of First magazine.... pg 91 has some great ideas for outdoor decor with plants.

    Seriously, check out women's magazines. They have great stuff on decorating on gardening.

    Hope you feel better soon. I have struggled with back pain my entire life and know how miserable it is. Hugs.


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