
Monday, March 17, 2014


So, a few weeks ago, I needed to get a few seedlings started.  I didn't have one of those grow boxes/mini greenhouse things so I decided to make my own.  I had this "Rubbermaid" storage container...

First thing I did was make sure my seed starting trays fit in the bottom.  They did, two of these eight-cell ones fit nicely and that was all I needed.

The next thing I did was drill some large holes in the top that would allow air in and moisture out. I just randomly drilled until it looked like enough, no science behind it.

Then I planted my seeds in some seed starting soil medium and put them in the bottom of the box.

I watered them well, and put about a quarter inch of water in the bottom so that the trays would soak it up as well.  After it was sufficiently wet, i just popped the lid on (which actually locks into place) and I put it under a desk lamp that has a 'natural light' light bulb in it.

I use a spray mister to just spritz water in there occasionally, usually every other day and as you can see, it works well at keeping the conditions inside ideal for sprouting the seeds.
Seedlings in DIY grow box
These are from a couple weeks ago, they are much bigger now and about ready to be planted in the ground.  I'm not doing a lot of 'from seed' this year (as far as plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc) since this is our first year.  I will plant carrots, beets, radishes, etc. from seed of course, directly into the garden beds.  

Fortunately, we have an couple of awesome garden centers here in town (near our house) that have great heirloom varieties already grown and ready to plant so I will use those for most of our plantings.  Next year, now that the garden beds and other infrastructure items are done, I can focus on growing all our plants from seed, hopefully from seed I harvest myself this season.


  1. That's a fabulous idea! Our cats think that seedling trays are crackly beds...this will fool them!
    Jane x

    1. Oh I should have said that!!! Yes, cat proof! We have a cat who gnaws on anything green and growing. We can't have houseplants because of it. This is definitely cat proof, ha.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! It could really be made any size that works.

  3. Fantastic idea. We do pop bottle greenhouses and wintersow on our porch. This would help declutter the area in front of our dining room sliding doors- we may do this next year- at least it would look a lil better- great creative use!

    1. You can make it any size you wanted. I like the idea of soda bottles too. Thanks again.

  4. you are off to such a good start. i was not organized enough this year to start from seed.

    1. This is it, well, like I said other than seeds in the ground for carrots and such. But yeah, this will be it for the seedlings, this first season.

  5. Country Bloke and I were just talking about this about 10 minutes ago! We went the milk carton route this season but we aren't terribly impressed with it.

    1. Cool!!! I was thinking that you could use smaller plastic shoe boxes as well. I have seen the milk carton idea, haven't tried it though.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by to comment. :-)

  7. I love it. So simple and inexpensive but so very effective. Well done!

    1. Definitely inexpensive and definitely works. Thank you!!!

  8. Pretty creative! So when are you going to try your hand at giant pumpkins? Check out the grower diaries at!

    1. Thanks!! Giant pumpkins? I am going to check out the website. Have you done the large pumpkin thing?

  9. I am suitably impressed! Well done FM!! Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones.

    1. That was it! I was looking around, trying to figure out how to come up with something and I just had that moment of inspiration. :-)

  10. 1st Man,

    Very good idea. Everything is confined and you don't have a mess inside your house.

    1. It is definitely cleaner. I think next year I might expand it into something with more I just need to score some on sale. :-)

  11. Love it! It's amazing how creative we can be when we need to be :-) So glad you're going to be able to finally fill those beds of yours...Can't wait to see everything grow up and get harvested! Congrats! It's been quite the journey :-)

    1. Thank you for that. It's true, I guess that's where the phrase "necessity is the mother of invention" came from, right? Ha.


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