
Thursday, March 8, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Regular blog readers know that I have an obsession fondness for flowers and benches.  Here's the best of both words.  The best part of this is we are halfway here!  I moved a concrete bench almost identical to this over to the future bee yard.  It's sitting in a spot like this. I'd love to plant some flowers that could grow like this, even if they are annuals. 

In my head, when I moved the bench to where it is now, this is what I imagined. The area is part shaded, part sun.  

What kind of flowers are these? Any suggestions for something similar?  I didn't want lower flowers around it, I kind of wanted it surrounded just like this, that fills in and is tall-ish.

Be inspired!


  1. Beautiful; and the flowers look like a variety of Zinna's.
    Nice sitting area with flowers and all, but only thing that would bother me is the bees and wasps that it would attract, so I wouldn't be sitting on the bench for long; (early morning hours would be fine till the little buggers come out when the sun rises, then I'm out of there)
    Flowers like this is great for butterflies as well

    1. Oh thanks for ruining my vision! HA! Just kidding. That is a good point. Butterflies would be awesome.

  2. I'd say zinnias or dahlias. Zinnias are really easy to grow.

    1. My grandmother used to love planting zinnias. She called them her "zinnies". Thanks!!

  3. They are very definitely dahlias, Regards

    1. Well thank you for that confirmation!! Much appreciated!

  4. That is a bench for looks not for The flowers touching me would cause me to break out and the bees would sting me or scare me. So, I would walk by. However, it is lovely. If you can sit there, that is what counts. Oh, ants would crawl on the flowers and then on me.

    1. Ha, I understand. It would probably be just for me, I bet even 2nd Man wouldn't sit there, LOL. Didn't think about ants either.

  5. I would vote for Dahlias too. It looks like a delightful spot - and dahlias (here at least) are set and forget plants.

    1. I'm off to google dahlias! And I like something that has the nickname "set and forget". That's the best kind.

  6. That is very pretty, such a lovely spot to sit and relax surrounded by Dahlias.
    When I was growing up my Grandfathervmoved onto a rural block and dug a "long drop " toilet pit, after a couple of years the council told him that it had to be on the high side of the block, so it was filled in and redug.The dahlias he planted on the old site were GIGANTIC. I think they like a bit of fertilizer.

    1. What a great memory, of course, not sure I should fertilize like that, HA!!!!!!! Though there is something to be said, obviously something like chicken or horse waste fertilizer might do the same! Thanks!!

  7. Yup, Dahlias. But as others have said could easily be done with giant Zinnias. Other options would be smaller sunflowers like lemon yellow or teddy bear varieties that hit this 3 foot height. Oh, and COSMOS! Another great annual easy to grow from seed. I've been buying lots of seeds for flowers this year off of Ebay. Can't wait to get them planted.

    1. You are wonderful!!! Thanks for this info. And I never thought about checking out eBay for seeds. Will do that. Now I'm off to google those flowers as well!

  8. My first thought was dahlias but the leaves look like peonies but not the colors of the flowers.

    1. You know they do look like peony leaves. We grew some at the house once a few years back (in town). They were in a pot though. I don't remember them getting big but maybe that was because they were in a pot. Will have to check that out. Thank you!

  9. What a beautiful place to just sit, relax, and dream! I have several benches scattered throughout my yard and garden and I love them.
    Some easy to grow flowers that have a similar height would be:
    Autumn Sage (Salvia Greggii) - blooms spring through fall, broad range of colors, hardy - about 3 feet tall.
    Celosia - feathery plumes of various colors, about 3 feet tall.
    African blue basil - gets about 2.5 - 3 feet tall - smells wonderful, purple blooms, butterflies love it, hardy, and you can also eat it.

    1. Look at you, also with a list of flowers. Thank you so much. And you are not far from us and in the same growing climate so what works there might work here too. Thanks again!


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