
Thursday, February 7, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Repurposed Door into potting bench, image via
2nd Man actually found this picture for me.  He said he saw it and thought of a couple doors we have at the farm.  If we end up tearing down or moving the existing house, perhaps we can take a door (or two) and create something like this.  Wouldn't take much effort and would make a nice "repurposed memento of the house" to have for a few years (or until it weathers away from being outside, ha).  I couldn't agree more! 

Be inspired!


  1. I absolutely love the idea of using some of the items from the farmhouse and incorporating them into other uses.
    For your porch; using another old door and make into a bench or sitting it under a nice shade tree

  2. here at our local Antique Mall, they want Big Bucks for old doors, window, etc. so saving and reusing items from the old farm house will still carry on a bit of history connected to the old farm place.

    Old door used as coat rack / storage bench for mud room;

  3. i see these a lot and just love them. old rakes are my favorite to use to hang things on.

  4. I love this idea! Looks like the working surface is part of an old table. You cold also use an old end table from a “junk-tique” shop. You can buy longer legs if the ones on the end table are not long enough.
    It seems like they put this on some bricks - great idea because it will make it cleaner to work at and helps keep the potting bench from rotting.
    Great find by 2nd Man!

  5. And that old rake; well that is to hang your small garden tools on, wrap a small bungie cord around a pair of gardening gloves and can also hang them on the rake as well, etc.


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