
Friday, October 25, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

OK, this one is fun because we love seeing how regional pronunciations are.  

This is one of those potayto/potahto debates.

We know know not everyone likes it (2nd Man is not a fan, I on the other hand love it in all forms), but regardless of what you think about it, you still have to say it when telling people you like it or don't.

The two versions which differ geographically are "CARE-UH-MEL" and "CAR-MEL".   We are both team 'care-uh-mel' here.  Embrace the three syllables, ha! do YOU pronounce it in your area?


  1. 3 syllables and the Ghiradedelli chocolate caramel bars are one of the best things on earth. :)

  2. I normally go with . . . car-a-mel more if it's in liquid form and usually in solid form I most of the time will say. . .car-mull.
    Also have seen it spelled with a 'K' instead of a 'C'. I have an old recipe to where caramel is spelled Karamel.
    No matter how it is said or spelled, it's still good over ice cream, etc.

  3. Like it should be pronounced . . . Care-uh-mel. Just like Pecan. You don't pronounce it pee-can. A Pee can is a can you use to go pee in when you can't get to a toilet. It should be puh-kuhn.

  4. Care-uh-mel. How could anyone say car-mel and totally ignore the "a"??? At least say car-a-mel!

  5. Ca-rah-mel...or "dental bill"... :)

  6. Rain nailed it. Up north we drop the "Rrrrr" on the first part and nail it on the 2nd part...RAH! So, Ca-rah-mel it is. So enjoying these quiz/debates. Such fun!

  7. car-a-mel. period. carmel is a city in CA.

  8. I think the candy is carmel and the sauce is care a mel.

    1. Marcia, this is what my hubby says! I'm a "care uh mel" person myself.

      For clarification, I'm Michigan born and bred, my hubby was a military brat who also served off and on much of his life, but from 6 months to 14 years he was in England.


  9. It's the two-syllable car-mel in my area, both the candy and the sauce.

  10. Car-mel.. Old time rural Texas accent, Phe-con .. Hard to write accents

  11. That should be Car-mul. Don't know where that E came from

  12. I'm with Ann Marie, car a mel or sometimes care a Mel but never with an "uh".

  13. It's care-uh-mel because that's what they say in the food industry.


  14. I used to use the 3 syllable and then switched it up a few years ago to the two syllable. Might need to switch it up again! Imight need to ask this question at a happy hour or Thanksgiving! laura

  15. Sharing this on NEXT weekend's the weekend edit! laura

  16. It was "car'-mul" growing up in Wisconsin. Here in CT, it's now "car'-ah-mul." There is no "care" in caramel!


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