
Friday, June 24, 2011


I KNOW, probably grosses a lot of you out.  Worms?  On PURPOSE?

Let me tell you, my Grandfather in Oklahoma (whom I would spend summers with) grew some of the best vegetables I have ever seen in my life.  His secret?  He had worm "beds", cinder block raised beds that he layered with compost and food and of course, worms.  They produced a rich, black soil
(he called it 'black gold') that he put on his garden and it truly made a night and day difference.

SO, flash forward to us beginning to have a farm and make plans and guess what?
A worm bed is on my short list.

Yesterday, I found this:

It's a product called "Can O' Worms".  Above is an exploded view, showing how there are multiple levels and layers.

Here is a an exploded diagram, that shows more of what each level is for.

They are available pretty much all over online shopping sites.
Just Google Search "can o worms" and you'll find it for sale at
several places.  It ranges from $65-$100, depending on what you get with it and of course
which location you go to.

There are homemade versions, but this product seems to have great reviews at most places, so I think it's a worthwhile try.

UPDATE:  I found a video demonstration!  You can view it by visiting our
YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

I'll keep you posted once we go on this part of the adventure!

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