
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Candles in Bottles
I always like saving pictures from catalogs or shopping websites whenever I see a decorating idea that appeals to us.  We saw this at either Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel, can't remember which but we liked it.

I think we like this style because it's very simple and yet looks dramatic.  Clear bottles like this can of course be purchased just about anywhere, but you can also re purpose various bottles you might have at home after they are emptied and cleaned.

Candles as centerpiece

Notice how on this one, the bottles are all actually the exact same height...they just use candles of different lengths to create a more dramatic look.  Of course, you'd want to use dripless candles for sure, or you'd end up with a mess down the sides of your bottles and on your table.  But this is still a very pretty idea for your home.


  1. I just love candles as a centerpiece on a table. Pretty idea, thanks.

  2. Beautiful candles and candle holders.
    They look just amazing.
    Good work.


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