
Sunday, September 25, 2011


Well, there wasn't as much progress as we had hoped for.  He had been out of town for a few days, and his guys didn't get as far along as he thought.  The good thing is, he was having them work all day yesterday and then he was going to shoot for more work today.  He tells us he should have it finished by Tuesday or Wednesday.  So all is moving along, just not as fast as we had hoped.  I don't have any new pictures to share, but hopefully will have FINISHED pictures in a few days!

We didn't get home until after 8pm, but we were running errands and getting stuff for the farm.  Today we are going to shop for a water heater and we might even check out the stove and fridge.  We are going for the Kenmore brand, and we found out that Sears has a layaway program for their appliances.  So we're going to check that out.

More later, including the review of our favorite furniture store.

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