
Saturday, September 24, 2011


Farmhouse table from Nadeau
And here we are again, with another item from the awesome store NADEAU.

Ma left her table when she sold us the house, but it just didn't work for what we needed.  We needed a table that we could easily sit eight people around.  Her table had these great huge, detailed legs, but they were toward the middle, with cross beam supports, and it was just too hard to get chairs around.  We found a great home for it...Porch Guy took it for his family.  They are going to fix it up and use it and hopefully hand it down to a future generation.

So we were looking for something that had legs on the outside of each corner, something that looked like it was antique and was the right color, and had a sort of rough, used looking surface, not polished.  Something that looks like an old farmhouse table.

So when we were at Nadeau last week, buying the HUTCH, we asked about dining room tables.  They had this one that had just come in, and he showed us the picture.   They have been SO awesome with us, sending pictures, giving us measurements, etc.  We had to make sure it would fit, it did, and so today we bought it.  Since we were having the other two pieces delivered at the same time, we figured it was a good idea to have the three pieces delivered all at one time.

We won't have chairs right now, have to get those a few at a time.  We're leaning toward painted chairs, in different colors, but we're not sure yet.  We want to put the table in its spot first and then let the room tell us what we need to have.


  1. I love it! Not sure if you have seen this blog but she is amazing.
    The things she can do with a feed sack are unbelievable. Love you guys!

  2. Thanks for visiting! I will check out that blog, we might have need of something cool done with a feed sack! That's very country/shabby chic.


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