
Saturday, September 24, 2011


I just thought this was kind of cool.  On the left, is a new stainless steel all in one sink and counter.
On the right is our stainless steel all in one sink and counter.

One is brand new, the other is over 50 years old (or more).  It's kind of cool that we have something "old" that's not too far removed from what they do today.  Of course, ours is currently dirty from the work going on in the house, but once it's polished up with some stainless steel cleaner, it will look as nice as the new one.  A total kitchen remodel is not in the cards for us now, but someday we might do that and we think we'd want to just keep something similar to what was there before.  It's nice to know we could have that option if we wanted.  I guess that saying is true, everything old is new again!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dude, The stainless steel look matches with most types of decor and therefore whatever the style of your kitchen, a sink made from stainless steel should easily fit in. There are a few advantages to using a stainless steel sink in your kitchen. They are relatively easy to look after and do not suffer damage too easily. Thanks for sharing it...


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