
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


OK, so I'm a little late this month, but September is National Preparedness Month.  They are urging everyone to be prepared, for disasters, emergencies, weather, whatever may come up.

Sadly our country has had it's share of disasters, both natural and man made.  Hurricane's, floods, earthquakes, blizzards, tornadoes, wildfires, and more.  Also, there can be widespread power outages for whatever reason, nuclear plant problems, industrial accidents, and terrorist attacks.  We all need to be ready for whatever might happen.

Make sure you are prepared with food, gasoline, important papers, first aid supplies, money, a way to communicate, a route of escape if it becomes necessary, etc. 

There are many, many online resources for ideas.

It's not a topic we like to think about, but we should.  At the least, it could make your life more comfortable in the event of a disaster, but in the best, it could SAVE your life in that same event.

We'll be making sure we have the necessary supplies at the farm in case we are ever forced to go out there because of an evacuation from Houston.  I hope we never have to deal with that, but if we do, we'll be prepared.
Are you?

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