
Monday, December 12, 2011


Mason Jars for Christmas
With only 20 days to Christmas, I thought I'd post this.  I found Yet ANOTHER cool use for Mason/Ball Jars...making Christmas decorations.

I think this would look so nice this season.  Pretty simple, just fill bottom of jars with fake snow, put some decorations in the bottom and you're done.  In this one, there are Christmas lights strung up behind the jars to add that extra sparkle while on display.

I'm sure if you were so inclined, you could put battery operated lights inside the jars themselves, hidden by the snow and/or decorations.

A festive way to show your love of the holiday season and use some of those old canning jars you might have laying around.



  1. Check out this mason jar collection:

  2. sb - WOW! That is impressive!!! Thanks for the link, I might just have to create a special blog entry just for that!


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