
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Outdoor Christmas Tree made of lights
For today's inspiration picture, I figured I'd find something that was holiday inspired, since we are in the midst of the holiday season. 

When I saw this, my first thought was "this would be so cool to do outside at the farm next year."  It's very simple, but SO pretty and just seems to fit being outside in the country.  I could see this next to a table at an outdoor Christmas dinner.  Ah, maybe definitely next year.

See you back here tomorrow!


  1. Good idea for next year, you will probably see something else by then :o)
    Merry Christmas and happy Holidays.

  2. Have to laugh...I've been reading your blog for a did I find you: Robin's blog!

  3. ok now I have to ask...where is the link to Robin's blog? If I din't read I will feel forever I am missing out on something!

  4. Lynda - I love how the blogosphere works, lol. Love what you are doing on yours I hope to learn a lot.

    Tonya - Robin's blog is:


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