
Saturday, December 10, 2011


Off to the Farm with the checklist for this weekend:
  1. Install porch light dimmer switches
  2. Hang vinyl window shade so we can see if we should get more
  3. Take the other 2 bookcases for living room
  4. Test the heaters we got in case of future freezes
  5. Measure garden site space so I can start planning the raised beds
  6. Put up curtain rods and hang curtains for the doors and small windows
  7. Put the light bulbs in all the exterior fixtures
  8. Finish cleaning the windows
  9. Clean off the porch of leftover remodeling items
  10. Take out misc small items and start finding homes for them
  11. Put up shaker rail in mudroom
Let's see how much I can scratch off by the end of the weekend...


  1. I love to see others making "to-do" lists. I always feel a bit "dorky" making them, but yet it's reallly the ONLY way I ever get things accomplished. Mental notes don't help-I need to SEE the list. I don't cross off items, but hubby does. So I guess I can smugly assume he's a bigger dork than me-LOL!!!

  2. haha Sue! My hubbs does the same thing. Well he uses a big ol' checkmark instead of crossing off. When he is done with the entire list he will sign and date it. LOL!!

    As a side note I have a multi-tabbed notebook where I create a master list of what I want done then use subsequent pages to break the list down into smaller manageable portions. (I think this is my AR tendencies due to me being a chemist fr 20+ yrs). I also have a white board on the fridge for notes/ grocery list.

    Even our daughter is a list maker. It is a family trait!


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