
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Old Doorknobs
As we had the the work done at the house, these were the old "non functioning" doorknobs around the house.  None were original to the house, they had been replaced and added over the years and they didn't work.  They didn't fit most of the doors either.  So as we removed them, I put them aside.  I call it a collection for a future DIY project, but 2nd Man calls it borderline hoarding, LOL.

I don't know what I'm going to do with these, but I just can't bring myself to throw them away.  I think they would make a pretty awesome future project and would be a great way to re-purpose something that was in the house for decades already.  They just need to be cleaned up a bit.

 I'm thinking of some sort of long board, with these used as knobs to hang things on.  Perhaps as a towel rack for either the kitchen or the bathroom, or maybe a coat rack for the entryway?

Either way I'm keeping them, hoarder or not...ha.


  1. Ha-as I was reading this-I thought they would be great as a coat rack or something. They are too terrific to just discard. Keep us posted on the project you end up with.

  2. You will find a good use for them, coat rack, or mount on a board in pantry for hanging cloth grocery bags, etc.

  3. When I saw the picture, before I read a word, I thought "Aha! 1st Man is going to make a coat rack!" Great minds and all that, LOL!

  4. Tonya, Sue, TL, & Granny - Yep, they really do just sort of scream "coat rack!". I have plenty of old boards out there that I hid away in a storage building *cough/hoarder/cough* and so that would work. I really like the idea of a place for the cloth grocery bags too. Those always seem to get misplaced until the last minute. I'll keep y'all posted!


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