
Saturday, December 3, 2011


OK, here is a fun topic for this week's poll.

Which one are you?  A Mayonnaise person or a Miracle Whip person?

Growing up, my parents always used Miracle whip at home, but then I spent a summer with my Grandparents and they used Mayonnaise.  I had never had it and was instantly hooked.  Have been a mayo guy every since.

Recently, on a whim, 2nd Man bought some Miracle Whip (he had never had it) for some homemade sandwiches and he's hooked on that!  So now, when I go to the store, I have to buy one jar of each!  Of course, we often make homemade mayo (more on that in a future post), but we are currently using both, depending on the "mood" I suppose.

However, if I had to CHOOSE, I'd choose Mayo.

So I'm not going to let you off the hook here either.  If you could only have one or the other for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Please vote here:

...and if you want to comment, feel free to do so below!


  1. There is nothing better for any sandwich :o) except hot dogs on a bun it's mustard :o)

  2. Ginny - I don't know who voted for what, so which one do you think is the best for your sandwich? :-)

  3. Most of the time I use mayo. There is that occasion when I want Miracle Whip though. "The Italian" always uses Miracle Whip on his fresh tomato sandwiches.

  4. Robin - That's kind of like me, mayo almost all the time, in fact for years I didn't even have Miracle Whip, it kind of slipped my mind. Now that I've had some again, I think I might have to have it now on occasion. Oh, I can't wait to grow fresh tomatoes, and I just might have to have them with Miracle Whip!

  5. Both. I must have MW on tuna, BLT, grilled cheese and Waldorf salad. For everything else, it's mayo all the way. If I had to chose one over the other, it would be mayo. I can always add vinegar and sugar to make it taste like MW! I'll go vote for Mayo, I guess ;-)


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Now, let us hear from you!