
Saturday, December 24, 2011


Probably one of the biggest debates of the holiday season:

When do you open your presents?

Christmas Eve?  Christmas Morning?
As usual, split household around here.  I grew up opening presents Christmas Eve, after I grew up a bit, and that was our tradition always.  Mom would make a wonderful lasagna dinner, we'd sit around for a bit after dinner and dessert and then we'd open gifts.  2nd Man grew up with always opening on Christmas morning.  Our tradition is sort of evolving.  Over the years we've done one way and then another.  Not sure what will happen this weekend, I'll let you know, ha.

SO...Christmas Eve presents or Christmas Morning presents?
Of course, this is not necessarily counting "Santa's presents", when that time is appropriate with the kids.

And as always, vote and if you want, feel free to comment below!


  1. Merry Christmas my friend!! I am so glad you have someone to share your life with and how happy you are. You deserve it!!

  2. We open one Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas morning.

  3. My husband is like a little kid. I have to insist he wait until morning to open his presents, and he's always the first one to the tree! This year we had the entire family come here to open presents and have an early dinner, and old Grandpa wouldn't even wait for them. His excuse....we can open ours and get rid of some of the wrappings and mess before they get here!

  4. Kelly - Thank YOU! And the same to you and yours!!

    Becky - I like that idea...hmm, what about one Christmas morning and the rest Christmas Eve? LOL!

    Granny - I like Grandpa! He sounds like me! Ha.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!


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