
Monday, December 19, 2011


I'm always fascinated by how people rethink something so iconic as a Christmas tree.  So I figured in the Christmas spirit, I'd share some of my faves I've found online over the years.  All of these are not credited because the pictures have been repeated over and over on various sites, I'm not sure of the original source.   So without further ado, here are some crazy "trees":
Stacked Book Christmas Tree
Books anyone?  Someone at a college library made a tree using stacked green books.  Too cute...and if you had enough books around your house, you might just be able to recreate this.
Green Glass Bottle Christmas Tree
This is really cool, and very pretty, it's a tree made out of glass bottles (beer bottles maybe?).  I can honestly say I don't think I'd have the patience for something like this.  Looks like a LOT of work.
Necktie Christmas Tree
OK, this is really nicely done as well.  You'd need a LOT of ties to make this tree, and I'm not sure what the underlying structure is that made this work, but it's pretty fun, that's for sure.  Love the colors the ties create together.
Tire Christmas Tree
I think this one could be fairly easily done, and is the ultimate in recycling.  This tree comes courtesy of a tire manufacturing company, they put this in their lobby.  If you had the right size tires, it could be done pretty simply.

Ladder Christmas Tree 

And last but not least, this is one of my all time favorites.  I spotted this online a few years ago.  Of all the "trees" I posted, THIS would be very easily done.  A tall ladder, strung up with lights and ornaments and lit up for the world to see.  I think it's pretty awesome!


  1. Now I'm wishing I hadn't spent 30 bucks on a half dead tree. haha. I'll have to break out the ladder.

  2. Though I have to admit I think the bottle one looks kind of pretty, there's no better way to show the world ya have a drinking problem-LOL!

    I shall torture hubby with the tire one--he used to build tires (for 30 years). I don't think he wants to ever see one again.

  3. Thomas - Now that made me laugh! 2nd Man said almost the same thing. He said "we don't need to buy a tree, we've got a ladder". Too funny!

  4. Sue - I never thought about that. Yep, light it up and go "hey, look how much beer I drank!" LOL! And I bet that your husband would love a "tire tree" haha, NOT! (it is pretty cool though).


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