
Monday, August 13, 2012


Went ahead and drew a name tonight, just couldn't wait!
Drum roll please...
The winner of our first ever blog giveaway is...


Click HERE to visit her wonderful blog.

And in the meantime, Grafix, email me and let me know where to ship your Farmhouse Cookbook and I'll get that out to you.  Congratulations!

Thank you all for your entries. Gosh, I can't tell you how sweet all the comments were and how they lifted my heart.  And thank you to the new followers who became "Friends of the Farm".  Please stick around the best is yet to come!

Honestly, I felt guilty just pulling only one name out of the box.  I wanted everyone to win!  So, that being said, watch the blog, because we're going to start something new next month.  I'm working out the details now.  

*cough* monthly giveaway *cough*


  1. HUGE Congrats Grafux Muse! Make sure to put that book to work ;) Can't resist popping over to see your blog here shortly :)Again, Huge Congrats!

    Don't you's worry; I was one of the new friends of the farm that finally figured out how to do it LoL. I don't plan on going anywhere! You guys are a HUGE inspiration to me. I have a blog started (only a couple of quick, random posts) because I, to, want to capture my families journey towards self-sufficiency in Waaaaay Upstate NY :-) We've got plenty of land to do it and a clean slate... And you fella's have given me the ambition to make it GREAT! And for that, I thank you! Keep those posts coming! (LOVE LOVE that there is pretty much ALWAYS something new to read or investigate into further here :-) )

    Have a great week!

    1. Aww, thank you! Yes, that was always the purpose of this. Sort of a "from the beginning" type documentation of the journey. And I try to post something every day. It might be cooking, or something decorating related, or something that we did, or gardening (LOTS more of that next year!), or as you've seen just random stuff we encounter along the way. Thank you again for your kind words!

  2. Fabulous. Congrats to Grafix Muse...sheesh...another blog to read and fall in love with. LOL

    1. Ha, she has a great one! I fall in love with so many too!

  3. sh*t!
    I never win ANYTHiNG
    (flounces off)

    1. Flounce back soon! You'll have another chance!! :-)

  4. What John Gray said. *POUT*

    LOL, congratulations to Rachel. Lucky girl, I think she won the one and only give away I ever held!

    1. Wow, she is lucky? Should we exclude her from future contests? LOL! JUST KIDDING Rachel!! Hey, I've entered a lot and only won default when you gave your prize to ME! I guess that makes me technically still at zero. haha.

  5. OMG!! I won!!! Really?? Wow! Thank you so much!

    I don't usually win these sort of things. Although I did win Granny's contest….hmmmm. Maybe I am LUCKY with garden related contest :) I am still enjoying the pepper and mesclun lettuce seeds from Granny's contest two years ago.

    Thank you so very much!!! I am looking forward to trying different recipes from "Farmhouse Cookbook."

    1. @Rachel, you'd better be sharing some of those good recipes with us on your blog! Then maybe John Gray and I can quit pouting ;-)

    2. Yay for you, I'm excited. Hope you enjoy it. It will be on it's way shortly! And I bet she comes up with some great meals!

  6. This site has lifted my spirits and I Thank You All!!!

    1. Wow, thank you for that. Please come back soon!


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!