
Friday, January 4, 2013


We found these jars the other day at our local IKEA store.  We love them.  They are called SLOM (gotta love the Ikea names!) and are made of a heavy weight glass with rubber gasket/seals at the top.  We got a tall one and a slightly smaller one, hoping they would work as storage for our pasta. Turns out they are perfect for that and since we love pasta in any and all forms, we'll have several on hand. They even have a nice retro look as well.

Here they are filled.  The tall one is the perfect size to hold 2 lbs (probably 3) of dried spaghetti or linguine. The other holds 2 lbs of (in this case) penne.  Leaving food at the farm "unattended" for a week at a time, we need to make sure whatever we use for storage has a good seal on it and these are perfect for that. They were reasonably priced as well.  Since we only bought these two and they have 4 different sizes,  we're going back next weekend for more, perfect for pasta storage!


  1. You stole my spaghetti jar! I've had that sitting on my counter since 1989. ;-)

    1. Ha, that's funny, everything old IS new again huh? I guess you can't mess with a classic!

  2. I've picked up a few similar jars at Estate Sales this past year. And, the gaskets are fine in most of them.

    1. You know I always look at estate sale and garage sales and thrift stores but I've only rarely found them. So when i saw these, I thought the price was right and now was my chance, ha.

  3. Good idea! I'm for anything that is mouse proof!

    1. I should have mentioned that mouse proof was important for us as well, since we have been dealing with a minor mouse problem. Definitely don't want mice getting into an all you can eat buffet in the pantry at the farm. :-)

  4. Nice jars - as we are at our farm semi - permanently I use my collection of recycled glass screwtop jars for food storage. Tall passata sauce jars are excellent for spaghetti and fettucine.

    1. Ooh, good idea. I might have to throw some of those in there as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Wish we had an Ikea. I have to settle for finding similar jars at flea markets. :o)
    I have found good replacement gaskets for my jars on Amazon. But mine use the orange gaskets.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. You know, I have three HUGE jars with gaskets that a friend of mine gave me and I do need some new gaskets. I'll have to check that out. Thanks! You have a great weekend too.

  6. I love them, I am slowly but surely getting all my food into storage jars because it is so much nicer looking and keeps it better. There will be a welcome addition to my kitchen, but it does mean a ghastly trip to IKEA, not my favourite experience.

    1. LOL! I can TOTALLY understand. IKEA here is a ghastly trip. It's crowded, there is never any parking, and, well, it's crowded. I did find that, here anyway, if we go during the week, it's not as bad. I have another post coming soon on some other jars we use, maybe you can order those on Amazon, ha. Jars are a wonderful storage thing, they are kind of pricey up front, but the flip side is they last forever (unless you drop one, ha).

  7. I miss IKEA!! The closest one is 2 hours away so I haven't been to one since I left HOuston. :(

    1. 2 hours? That would be a long drive huh? You aren't missing the crowds for sure...but they do have some fun things on occasion.


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