
Monday, February 18, 2013


*301 actually

All we can say is thank you!

I know it's not 500, or 1000, or more, but when I started this blog on a whim 2 1/2 years ago, I wasn't sure anyone would be interested in our little corner of the world.  So we appreciate each and every one of you, from 1 to 301 and more.

I have SO much fun doing this blog, because of you all.  I've got some great plans for it in the coming months, stay tuned.

Thank you again!


  1. Yay! Congrats on reaching 300 (and 1)!

  2. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you have planned.

  3. Congratulations, I love your blog. I only started last April, unfortunately I don't get many comments or have many followers, but I'm grateful for those I do have ! I do get a lot of visitors though, not everyone has time to leave a comment do they ?
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Congrats! Many many other blog friends to you ! :) I am like Wean, I just have 20, but I love them with all my heart! ♥

  5. I wonder if this total includes those of us who put you in the RSS Feed Reader? I have no idea how any of this stuff works... it's just magic to me ... at any rate I enjoy your writings!


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!