
Monday, September 9, 2013


Over the weekend, a package arrived in the mail.

Kylee over at the always inspiring blog, Our Little Acre had a giveaway, I entered, and I won!  The above is a BIG THANK YOU to Kylee for hosting the giveaway, I promise to use it wisely!

She sponsored it because it was "National Can It Forward Day" on August 17th (I had no idea, will have to make sure I remember next year).

So I sent her my contact info and she forwarded on to Ball and a week or so later, they sent me a box with this in it:

Home Canning Discovery Kit
It's the Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit.  It came with three jars and this rack that you can put into hot water when canning.  They also included a coupon for a case of jars, any size or kind I want, AND a copy of the
® Blue Book Guide to Preserving (an awesome resource by itself).

Progressive Canning Essentials Kit
So this inspired me, I took it as a sign that I need to get started soon, so I went to the store and found this set to add to it.  It's the Progressive Canning Essentials Kit that includes a jar lifter, a magnetic lid lifter, a really neat canning funnel that shows head space, and a canning scoop that holds a 1/2 pint.

I'm going to try my hand at turning the frozen dewberries I have into jam as my first canning project.  I think I now have most everything I need to can, but later on, if when I get hooked, I'm guessing I'll need a larger pan/pot that will fit more jars in the bottom (depth and diameter).  Something that I can keep as my 'go to' water bath canner with a rack?

Thanks again Kylee, much appreciated.
And thanks to Ball for the giveaway.
Together, you both definitely Canned it Forward!


  1. hey, way to go! what a great win. now you have to step into the canning world!

  2. Lovely prize - congratulations!

    1. Thank you, it's always exciting to win something, ha.

  3. Congrats... and now I reveal that I have put my canner away and am freezing everything this year!

    1. LOL! You mean I might be doing that this time next year? Ha.

  4. Congrats, matches the Zen Machine, LOL, and with all the red utensils you can keep them out til Christmas. Any local fruit / produce stands where you can get more varieties.

    1. Ha, I never thought about that. String some lights on it, I'll be good to go! ha.

      Definitely hitting up the local produce for some unusual stuff. :-)

  5. 1st Man,

    Congratulations on winning the give away sponsored by Kylee. Once you get going on canning you'll really enjoy it and love fresh canned food instead of store canned.

    I picked up my water bath canner at Wal-Mart for not to much money. I also picked up a stock pot with a tray in the bottom for of course making soups and stock. But I use the little stock pot when I'm only canning 3 or 4 jars instead of the large canner.

    Enjoy canning!!

    1. Thank you! My grandmother used to can and I have fond memories of the 'end result'. Sadly, I wished I had hung around her when she was doing it to help and to learn some wisdom. I DO have a lot of her recipes.

      Thanks for the tip on the canner I will check that out this weekend!!! I like the idea of two sizes for smaller batches.

  6. YAHOO! That is awesome!I was going to order one of those little green baskets for when I do small batch canning and don't want to break out the big canner, since it will work with a standard saucepan. I can't wait to read all about your canning experience.

    1. That's what I intend to do, start small, hopefully have success and work my way up, ha. Good, bad or indifferent, I'll let y'all know here!

  7. Yay!!! Canning is the best! Really, once you get into the groove of it, you'll never look back!!! Congrats on the win!

    1. Fingers crossed, thanks for the kind words. :-)


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