
Saturday, September 21, 2013


Rain clouds coming
After the rain yesterday, there is more today.  Last night there was a deluge.

They said that in a few hours, almost as much rain fell as we usually get in an entire month.  Parts of the area received between five and six inches of rain.
2nd Family tells us that the farm total is just at four inches.  The fruit trees (and everything else) got a great and much needed soaking!

Houston roads flood just about every time it rains.  The area around the farm (getting to it anyway) is also flood prone so we'll probably stay in town for awhile.  It is supposed to be clearing out later this afternoon and will be followed by cooler weather.

I'll believe it when I feel it, LOL.


  1. Replies
    1. Wasn't today wonderful? Of course just watched the weather, heat and humidity return mid week, ugh.

  2. Am so glad that you are getting the much needed rain though wish it wasn't so much at one time. It would be nice to spread it out but mother nature.....has a mind of her own. It is still in the 100s here in Arizona though they keep saying that we'll be under it shortly. We shall see.

    1. Yes, she needs to spread it out huh? 100's? Hang in there, it's got to change soon.

  3. we got the same thing here all day today. we needed it too and tomorrow it will barely reach 60. i might go out and roll in it!

    1. 60? Sigh, roll around and have fun!! I totally understand! :-)

  4. As far away as I am from y'all (NC) we are getting the rain from the same band you are. And yes, it has cooled off, remarkably.

    1. I saw that rain band stretched halfway across the country. Amazing huh? I know you will enjoy the cool.


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