
Friday, September 20, 2013


Yep, never fails, make the bed with fresh, clean sheets, get a good night's sleep, wake up, go get some coffee, come back and poof, a black cat hair bomb has exploded.  Sigh.

Yay, Friday is here.  We have a wet day in the forecast, we'll see.

More later this afternoon!


  1. i saw on the weather channel this morning that texas was supposed to get hit by rain and i was wondering if you were going to get some.

  2. Your cat captions are so much better than someone else's cartoon, keep it up.

    Hope you get just the right amount of rain at the farm and not a deluge.

  3. I feel your pain....I sleep with black dog hair. Of course, I love white sheets, white pillowcases and white bed covers. My brown dog, Otto, doesn't shed. His black littermate sister, Annie, is a real hair machine!

  4. Now you know, cat hair is considered a protective covering by all the very best cats. They are just helping out their people.

  5. That's why I always have several lint rollers around the house!


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