
Sunday, September 29, 2013


Vintage "Help Harvest Cotton" poster, image courtesy of US National Archives
This poster image is from WW1 and comes via the United States Food Administration.  As usual, with so many men serving overseas, the work at home still needed to be done, both for the allies and for the country.  Here they were urging people to help harvest cotton.  I like the tag line at the bottom of the poster; "Lock your desk, closer your door and do your part".

Cotton was almost, if not just as, important as food harvesting.  Remember this was from a time before artificial textiles and widespread use of blends.  Cotton was truly an important crop that farmers were growing.

Hope you are having a productive weekend.  Ours is a wash out so it's inside projects for us.  And eating.  Why does it seem we eat more when stuck inside?    LOL!  Oh well, we need the rain and on the upside, I don't have to water the fruit trees.  Now if the cool weather would just hurry up and come.

More later this afternoon!

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