
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Tropic Snow Peach tree
This is all we got off this fruit tree this year.  But we had to go ahead and pull it, it was ripe and soft...and we wanted to beat the animals to it.  So we brought it back into town, put in the fridge to get cold and then took it out and sliced it. 

It was a small thing, but then again, the tree is only about 6 feet tall so it was a small peach for a small tree.  It's lack of size didn't lose out on flavor.  Wow.
SO good.  There is nothing like a ripe peach fresh from the tree.  

Can't wait to see what the tree produces in the years to come, but this was definitely a good sign that it's happy and doing what it's supposed to do.

Meanwhile, the pear tree is going crazy and has about ten little pears on it, for some reason the picture didn't come out. They are ripening nicely.  Fingers are crossed that we get a nice batch of pears to eat and/or cook with, in a couple of months.

Texas Everbearing Fig
And both of the fig trees have lots of little figs on them.  Hope they produce as well, nothing better than a sun warmed fig fresh off the tree.

Again, the trees aren't growing as fast as we would hope, but of course they've only been in the ground a year.  Patience is a virtue right?  LOL!


WEDNESDAY UPDATE:  Not sure what's going on, it's early morning and I'm trying to put up a new post and it's not working.  I'm using my iPhone to update this post to put this note on.  I also can't access at work so I'll have to update later tonight, contest results, and reply to your comments. 


  1. ummm.. did anyone tell you when you bought trees that first 3 years you suppose to be stripping all fruit after it's formed so the tree grows well and gets good root system? You can end up with a dead tree over winter like that. But glad that Peach was tasty.

    1. Oh yes, I should have been a bit more detailed in my description. I had them growing in town for a year, in larger containers, and plucked off fruit then. Last year they fruited and I plucked them all off. This year I pulled off some, but not all. Probably should have plucked off more but alas, I didn't.

  2. they look healthy. looks as if you're on your way to a fruit orchard :)

  3. Ah for a ripe peach. Ours don't get ripe until August sometime. So it is a long time away.

    1. There is nothing like it huh? August, dang, you'll be enjoying them in the middle of Summer that would be nice! (only a couple months!) :-)

  4. 5years is about what it takes to get a godd fruit crop. I'm jealous of your fig tree!

    1. I thought I had read that once, 5 years is not that long to wait. Hey, I figure this will count as year two, so we're almost halfway there, ha.

  5. 1st Man,

    I've been away from the computer and didn't realize how far behind I've been with commenting on everyone's posts.

    I bet your first peach tasted amazing!!! Give it a couple of years and you'll have all kinds of fruit.
    So much you won't know what to do with it all!!!!


    1. We can't wait!! It probably had the flavor of ten we'd get in the store, ha. And welcome back!

  6. I remember our first peach, first blood plum, first........ It doesn't matter how many trees or bushes you have, you still get excited over the first few and then it changes to the first of the season. It's so exciting and while it might seem that your next peach is a long time away, before you know it, you'll be at that tree again admiring your ripening peaches.

    1. Thanks! It's been a dream of mine for a long time to have fruit trees all over the yard. Now we have acres to do it on. Fingers crossed!

  7. I can imagine that is as exciting as the first egg I ever found in the nest. Now, I want a peach. And, the farmer's market just closed. Store peaches are never ripe.

    1. Oh, the first egg, I bet that is exciting! Someday for us! For now it'll have to be the fruit trees, ha.

  8. I don't think I can do peaches here.. Maybe I should try, I have peach envy :) We have excellent crops of apples, plums and pears.. I make the most delicious pear salsa.. yumm!!! Congrats on the peach..nothing tastes like your home grown fruit...

    1. Peach envy, ha!! There aren't many apples that grow well down here, but we have the one recommended most (a Dorsett Golden). Pear salsa? That sounds yummy. If you're every so inclined as to share the recipe, click on the email me tab on the sidebar, LOL! Just kidding!!

  9. You're getting all excited about our peach tree this year, which we'll be harvesting for the first time. Gardening is continually a lesson in patience when it comes to fruit trees.

    1. I am learning very quickly, ha. You are way ahead of me experience wise but slowly but surely, I'm getting there, ha. :-)

  10. Nothing tastes better than home grown.

    Our figs froze back to the root system this year so if we have a crop, it will be late. We had a bumper crop last year. The freeze also got our plum blossoms so...Oh, well, that is the life of a grower.

    Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    1. Amen!! I didn't realize figs were sensitive. I think though maybe it's hard freezes? Ours this year made it just fine even coated in ice for that one day, ha.

  11. Your trees are looking good. Ours are just starting to have fruit on as well. Some of the apple trees have loads on but I can never get my little fig trees to grow any fruit! We are In a cold spot here though. Having fresh peaches must be great, one day I might put up a gree house to protect one so we can have some of our own.

    1. I bet you could accomplish some in a greenhouse? Of course the tree might not get huge but hey, a few fresh peaches would be worth it huh? Apples are difficult here but we're giving one a shot. We'll see.

    2. Where I was working last year they had a peach tree in a greenhouse and there was so many peaches on I made jam as well as enjoying them fresh.
      As for apples they grow well here. In our two and a half years here I've Managed to get around 70 different varieties.

    3. That's so awesome! Love it! And you are so lucky to have that many apple varieties. I love apples!! :-)


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