
Thursday, July 31, 2014


Sitting area, photo image courtesy of
OK, we will admit, we've never even sat our butts in one these Adirondack chairs.  Therefore, we have no idea how comfortable they are but (or is that BUTT?) they have always appealed to us.  In this picture that I found online I like how they are just casually placed by this tree and then there are even some pretty tulips shooting up.

We haven't gotten to the point of decorating the landscape like this, mainly because the landscaping is still a work in progress.  For now, our siting around is on the porch, but when we get ready for that point, I think this might be the first quick setup.  Simple, relaxing, and a nice focal point in the yard.

Be inspired! 


  1. i think adirondack chairs are the MOST comfortable chairs you can have in a garden. especially if you add lumbar pillows to them.

  2. I have always fancied Adirondack chairs, they look comfy but I havent ever sat in one.

  3. Those kind of chairs don't work for me personally as I'd never be able to get out of them once I sat down. They do look inviting. I prefer a higher seated chair but maybe cuz I'm older and getting older.

  4. A perfect look for the country!

  5. We have a couple of these Adirondack chairs and they are VERY comfy...if a bit difficult to get out of if you are of a certain age :D

  6. surprisingly very comfy, something to do with the angle of the back and leg support. Have seen quite a few sites that give detailed instructions on how to make them and if you have the lumber cut to length, they are quite easy to construct,
    Have seen them painted a lovely duck egg blue, divine.

  7. I have an Adirondack chair. Super comfy to sit in and read and sip and just enjoy being. I purchased mine at Ace Hardware for under fifty bucks and it folds up for storage too. It has 2 metal bolts that insert into the back and seat for usage. I found a little pouch for the bolts and attach it to the chair so they don't get lost. Have a marvelous weekend. M


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