
Friday, July 18, 2014


We planted Knockout roses, only two of them as a test, by the garden gate.  They are blooming and growing.  Because they are drought tolerant, landscapers plant them everywhere in Houston, parking lots, esplanades, driveways etc.

The Texas lilacs, or Vitex/Chaste as they are also called, are all in full bloom along the the driveway.  They are doing well fact, we need to get a few more so the whole driveway is lined.

I can't remember what these are called, they look like and are similar to oleander, but are not poisonous like the oleander is.  They are flowering as well.  We finally have some color!


  1. Beautiful bright colours, they will be big and brilliant in no time. The bottom one looks like, what we call, frangipani but I could be wrong. I'm by no means an expert.

    1. I like the name frangipani. I find plants in other places on the planet fascinating. Yes, these are small now but we have to remember the long term, one day they will be big and brilliant!!

  2. Love the color & the rose is beautiful. The bottom photo looks like an oleander and if it is, the leaves are poisonous to cattle, horses, and etc.

    1. The guy at the garden place said this was related to oleander or looked like it, but was safe. I think he said it doesn't get as big and it is pretty small still (oleander grows fast). It does look like oleander though. We have no livestock and won't (or if we ever did, I'd most likely not take the chance and get rid of them).

  3. The vitex can be trimmed to become a small tree, a friend of mine has done that and it is gorgeous.

    1. There is a restaurant here that we went to recently that has several around the outside, all trained into a tree. Oh my gosh they were GORGEOUS and all covered in blooms. Can't wait of tours to be big someday!

  4. You will love the knock out roses.. you saw the rose fence we did around the orchard with them. I still cant believe it. I have them all in the front flowerbed of the house... If I see one on clearance I pick it up, I just love them! They are so easy for roses!

    1. I never thought about looking for them on clearance. And yes, your fence is amazing (in fact, now that we have a couple in the ground, I need to go back and look at your post again). I hope I didn't plant them too close to the fence. So far, with only rain water on occasion they are thriving and blooming. I love roses and that may be the perfect solution in our hot and humid climate. Dang, now I need to hit the garden centers and find some!!!

  5. Oh, I'm with Texan...knockout roses are wonderful. I would follow her suggestion, buy them whenever you see them on sale/clearance. They are almost impervious to everything.

    1. Well hello and thank you! Yes, you've got me wanting to go out and find some on clearance. They are certainly tough so far!! Thanks again!


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