
Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Dual zone wine refrigerator 
Here is what we got as our joint birthday present (which was in March, LOL).  The latest addition to the mudroom at the farm.  Since we leave the window unit air conditioner thermostats turned up very high when we are not there in the Summer, and we do enjoy our wine, we felt a special fridge was the best choice to keep the wine we have at a constant temperature.

We moved the water cooler into the kitchen, so that left a gap between the orchard rack and the mudroom shelving.  As you see in the photo above, it actually fit perfectly, literally without an inch to spare.

24 Bottle Dual Zone wine fridge doors closed

Above is what it looks like full, though I'm sure we'll be slower in filling ours up with our favorites.  We found this unit that holds 24 bottles, including large bottles on the bottom shelf.  The reason we liked this one best was because it is dual zone, meaning we can have 12 whites on one side, and 12 reds on the other.  Best of all, each side can be set to its own temperature.  It also has a unique feature that will come in handy next Winter; not only does it cool things down, it will also heat up when the ambient room temperature is colder than what you have the temperature set to.  The mudroom can get cold at night during the Winter so that feature will work perfectly.

24 Bottle Dual Zone wine fridge doors open
It has nice LED interior lighting and is EnergyStar rated.  It was, as I said, a splurge, but it's something we will definitely use.  If the heat and air conditioning at the farm were on as in a normal home, it might not be that necessary and we could just have a wine rack with some bottles in it.  But when the window unit thermostats are set at 83/84 degrees when we're not there, and then 45 degrees with the heaters in the Winter, a bottle of wine, even an inexpensive bottle, shouldn't be hovering at high temps and low temps and back to high temps because it can change the quality/taste.

One of our favorite things to do when we spend the night out there is to have a great dinner (of course) with some wine...and then we sit on the porch afterwards with another glass of wine and just 'listen' to the silence...

Recent dinner and wine
And we all know that a full tummy and a nice glass (or two) of wine just so happens to make for a wonderful night's sleep as well.


  1. I think I'm lucky to have a basement. It does get up to 70 during the summer and down to 50 in the winter. Not perfect, but not bad either. Of course I'm not much of a wine connoisseur so I don't have all that many bottles on hand.

  2. 1st Man,
    Great looking birthday present for the both of you. Now you need to start making your own wine!!!

  3. Oh, I need to visit your house to enjoy my favourite tipple. That is one stylish item :) All I can do is plonk in a couple of slabs of ice...

  4. Your wine fridge is the perfect b-day gift to yourselves! Great that it has dual controls and both cooling and heating - you really did your research.
    What could be better than a nice glass (or 2) of wine while enjoying the peace of the country!

  5. Ohh..... We haven't splurged on a wine fridge yet but I'm sure that's in our future! That's crazy that it fit so perfectly and your last picture makes me crave some pasta and a bottle of wine! :)

  6. Just two glasses? Hush now, it must be the lush in me coming out.

  7. What a lovely thing! I was seriously considering making a box I could lower into my brick-lined cistern, for keeping my reds at a good temperature. Then I realized it would be really difficult to access the wine in winter, when the top of the cistern is covered in snow and ice!


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