
Saturday, July 26, 2014


Sometimes, you just have to know when to say...

..."I've done all I can possibly do today"...and today was that day.

It was just so unbelievably hot, there was only so much I could do outside in the heat. 

Went to the farm early in the morning, stayed until about 4pm but not much got done.  I did mow everything, that's always good, even in the heat I do enjoy that but the work in the garden just ground to a halt about midday.  It was just dangerously hot, our heat index was in the 110+ degree range.  They were warning everyone outside today to beware of heat exhaustion.  I understand.  

I will readily admit that less time was spent here in the yard...

...and more time was spent here on the porch, consuming large amounts of water.  So much for weekend plans.


  1. It was the same here today...heat index at 107. The weather has been nuts...temps running around 20+ degrees BELOW normal for this time of year and then this. Tomorrow is supposed to be back in the low 80's.

    The good news is--it's been a pleasant summer. The Bad news is--garden stuff isn't growing or ripening properly. Today (JULY 26th) I found my very first pinkish-orangey-trying-to-ripen-tomato.

    Sigh...still...I'm canning green beans and drying onions and okra. I may start buying some local tomatoes to start canning because if I don't and mine don't make it, I'll be in deep doo. And then again, if mine do make can never have too many tomatoes in one incarnation or another in your pantry, right ? lol Take care in this heat!! xoxoxo

    1. Garden is fizzling here too. Not sure what is going on. No such think as too many tomatoes, ha. There is a cold front coming for most of the country. Hope you get it too!

  2. I live in your area too. I don't think people in the rest of the country understand how different out 'hot' is compared to other 'hot', haha. It's just SO oppressive. Stay cool and hydrated!

    1. OOPS, "OUR" hot, not out hot. My bad...

    2. It is just a crazy kind of hot. The humidity makes is SO unbelievable. It really is true that 100+ is different when it's dry heat or humid heat. Hang in there too, temporary relief later this week!

  3. That's hot. I think sitting on the porch, staying hydrated was in order on your homestead.

    1. DEFINITELY! And THAT was definitely relaxing and worth it...even if not much got done, ha.

  4. Now that's hot. I despise heat and would never make it down there. I don't know how you do it.

    1. LOL! It's not for the faint of heart, ha. And really, the humidity we have makes it a damp heat and it takes everything out of you. :-)

  5. keep that heat in texas! we are going to have 68 as a high tomorrow. my kind of summer!

    1. 68?????? Sigh....we honestly won't see 60's until probably October...color me jealous!!

  6. Ouch! That is hot and with humidity it's even worse. I hope your porch was nice and shady and you had a nice iced drink to cool you down.

    1. It was nice and yes, had lots of ice water and then a big old glass of iced tea to finish off the day. :-)

  7. 1st Man,

    I hear you on the heat, it's miserable to be working out in it. Temperatures 104 today.
    I will be on my Zen machine early tomorrow morning, temperature are to drop to 66 degrees in he morning.

    1. Hope you had a good day on the zen machine. I do enjoy that, even in the heat. At least riding around I get a breeze, ha. I've heard on the weather about the cold front coming. It's crazy weather but THAT crazy we'll take!!

  8. I escaped to Port Aransas for a few days - still hot but the ocean breezes helped. And just being at the ocean is refreshing.
    Now it's back to July and August Texas heat and humidity - makes us appreciate that first Texas norther in the fall. Until then, I'll just think of those shaved ices I had at Port A!

    1. Mmm, shaved ice....yummy!! A breeze does help doesn't it? This Texas heat and humidity are definitely something to deal with huh? Cold front coming, 80's for highs, that's almost late September weather, LOL.

  9. Yes, the heat has been tough lately. It is 97 here right now. I drink coconut water when I need to super hydrate in the heat. But right now I am enjoying some nice cold iced coffee - yummm...


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