
Sunday, September 21, 2014


Farm Work is War Work, vintage poster image, courtesy of US National Library
This is a really neat poster, love the graphics on this one.  I'm guessing it's more of a backdoor advertisement for International Harvester (makers of tractors) since they are the sponsor.  Farm Work is War Work!  It compares the work of those in the war effort with the work on the farm back home.

I'm guessing this one is perhaps aimed at women and/or girls and since the poster mentions seeing your principal, this was most likely put up in schools during WWII.  "Join the Farm Victory Volunteers" was a youth group.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  We've been running errands in town, sometimes we need those weekends, and today I'm off to get some more plants to hoard save for use at the farm.

It's been dry and the rains have stopped.


  1. I like this one too! Woman power!!!

  2. I love the picture of the barn and farmhouse in the background - reminds me of my grandparent’s farm. The lady on the tractor looks so happy. And she probably was because she was ON a tractor and not behind a pair of mules, which some were still using during WW II.

    I remember my grandpa on a tractor similar to the one in the picture. Later, when I helped my dad harvest his rice, I used a tractor not much up-graded from it - my brothers showed me no pity and used the newer ones with air conditioned cabs. But I loved being out in the field, feeling the wind on my face and smelling all the harvest scents - and I did have an umbrella!

    I'm so glad it has turned out to be a beautiful day - hope you are finding some great plants for your farm!

    1. Aww, that's a neat story. In a small way, that's why I love being on the mower, granted it's not a tractor but it's still fun to me, even though it is work. Got a few more plants....and not done yet.

  3. I love the old war posters- asking women to help run the country while the boys are off fighting the war.. I have to wonder how that would fly in today's USA.

    1. Ha, great point huh? I think it's a neat thing they pushed for but yeah, I wonder today?

  4. I enjoyed this vintage poster today on your blog. I have been watching the initimate lives of the Roosevelts on PBS and WWII and the "work" war effort was a central theme. Thanks for sharing.


    1. OMG we've been recording those episodes to the DVR. Can't wait to watch, have heard it's good. I will remember these posters while watching. :-)

  5. Hi there. So nice that you popped over to visit my blog. I see a lot of interesting things going on at your blog and will take some time to get to know you. The tractor in today's poster looks a lot like the one my husband picked up used. Ours is a bit more beat up, though. ;-) You two love cats. Well, we'll get along just fine, I'm sure. I'm anxious to visit more and get to know them. Enjoy what's left of Sunday. It is sunny and cool here in Ontario and looking like Fall. Time to head out and walk 'ol Kane. Take care. Hugs, Deb

    1. Well, thank YOU for visiting here. You can click on our about our journey tab at the time and kind of get the story in a nutshell. We aren't at the farm full time, still having to work in the city to save up money for retirement, but we are hoping for early retirement so we can live peacefully and simply at the farm. As for kitties, click on either 'feline friday' label or pets (before I started our feline friday feature, I used the pets label whenever I shared kitty pictures).

      Thanks for stopping by, nice to make a new friend!!


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