
Monday, January 5, 2015


Recently, a very sweet friend of ours in Australia sent us a special package.  It arrived just in time for Christmas!

Australian Tim Tams and Vegemite
It contained a few uniquely Australian products.  Tim Tam's, a chocolate covered cookie/biscuit sweet treat and of course, the uniquely Australian snack spread that is known as Vegemite.

Tim Tam Slurpee
First up, the TIM TAM SLURPEE (or TIM TAM SLAM).

These can be eaten as normal snack cookies might and they are delicious that way.  But, per the suggestion we were given, there is something called the Tim Tam Slurpee.  First, you nibble off one end, then you nibble off the other end.  Do you see where we are going?  No?  Hang on.  Next you take a cup of hot coffee or tea or, in this case, hot chocolate and get ready.  You will use the Tim Tam as a straw!  You place one end in your mouth and the other in the hot beverage and suck up the liquid through the cookie (biscuit).  Then, as quickly as you can, you put the whole thing in your mouth.  

What happens next we can only describe as a magical experience...the inside cookie part has turned to liquid, held together only by the chocolate coating.  It's like chocolate air.  Just wonderful!

Vegemite on toast with butter
Next up, our first ever experience with VEGEMITE.  

We went into this knowing full well that it could go either way.  Vegemite is one of those love it or hate it things, apparently there is no in between.  It is not eaten by the spoonful (though perhaps some do).  Instead, the best instructions for eating it, especially for the first time, are to eat it on toast spread with butter and then a thin layer of Vegemite.  So that's what we did.

All we can say is...YUMMY!  It's a salty flavor, a bit sour, kind of like what I would imagine eating a beef bouillon cube might be like.  That's probably why using a little is best.  I asked 2nd Man what he thought and he liked it too...he said it was a very 'umami' taste.  It's definitely something we will have again.  We can actually order this from Amazon Vegemite and I believe we will do that and keep some on hand!

Many of you who follow our blog know that our cats are named Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart.  I'm not sure why we've always been fascinated with Australia but we have been and of all the countries we'd like to visit, it's at the top of our list.  Someday, we hope to make it there and will definitely have to take some time to see the sights of this beautiful country.  One thing we know for sure, its people are kind and generous!



  1. As a kiwi we have marmite - very similar to vegemite unless you are a kiwi or an aussie. I like my toast stone cold then add butter and little nobs of marmite all over it. If you get to Australia one day then just pop on down to New Zealand too.

    1. Well thank you much, very sweet of you. Our toast was still warm, next time I'll try it cold. :-)

  2. What a treat from Oz!
    That Tim Tam Slam sounds delicious. As for the Vegemite - I’ve tried it and it’s definitely an acquired taste. But just put some Cherry Ripes in front of me and they’re gone!

    1. It really was a neat thing to try and we're so glad she suggested it. I googled it and it's a 'thing'. Pretty cool. Cherry Ripes? I'm going to have to google that.

  3. I know these biscuits well, I have a friend send me some as well, YUMMO!!!!!!! The Vegamite I am not so sure about, lol, but this was such a lovely gift,,,

    1. Aren't they good? I know vegemite is DEFINITELY an acquired taste, ha.

  4. If you make it down this way, you are very welcome to pop in and stay. We'll have plenty of Tim Tam's and Vegemite on hand!

    1. Well aren't you sweet!! Thank you, Australia is definitely on our bucket list. ;-)

  5. How great to get a taste of another country in your mailbox.

  6. Australia is at the top of my list of places to visit, right after Stonehenge. Yes, I know Stonehenge is not a country, but I would be happy to just visit Stonehenge and walk amongst the stones. The Tim Tam's should be imported to the US in larger quantities. Vegemite? I would love to try it at least once.

    1. Stonehenge is our list too. Just watched a show about it this weekend and I told 2nd Man it would be so neat to see in person.

      Vegemite is definitely a thing to try.

  7. 1st Man,

    Now that was nice and sweet to received this package of cookies, and Vegemite from a friend from Australia. Enjoy!!!

    1. It was unexpected and much appreciated. As was said above, a taste of another country. :-)

  8. Tim Tam's, Vegemite and Marmite are all available here (Canada) in any supermarket. Tim Tam's-delicious, Vegemite and Marmite-GROSS!

    1. LOL! I understand. I wonder what the like/dislike ratio is? 50/50? 30/70? Ha. Tim Tams are addicting!

  9. Wow! Love the cats names! I'd love to visit Oz as well! Those treats sound delish! I've heard of vegemite but none of the others. It reminds me of the English goodies I got hooked on when my sister lived there! I still beg people to bring back English Cadbury and Apple Spice Chamomile tea from Herrods! Another place to visit!

    1. Thanks! Yep, Sydney, was the first cat then when the second came along, Brisbane seemed like a good name. The third one we weren't sure if it was a girl kitty or a boy (tiny kitten) if it was a girl it was going to be Adelaide but alas, a boy, so we looked at city names and it came down to Melbourne or Hobart. He seemed like a hobart, ha.

      Apple Spice Chamomile? Yum! ;-)

  10. Ok, I'd love to know if your friends are from Queensland - because I thought only we Queenslanders ate our Tims Tams like that and, only have a smear of vegemite on our toast.
    You could also try the same vegemite with heaps of butter on soft white fluffy bread, ah now we are talking.
    Vegemite can also be used to flavour a casserole or stew.
    Back to Tim Tams. We Queenslanders stay true to the "never-ending packet of Tim Tams (original) variety only" :) :)
    Mmm, I might go and open that packet in the fridge now.
    Enjoy your goodies!!

    1. I am not sure if they are from Queensland originally. Fluffy white bread, sounds yummy!! That's interesting you said that about adding to casserole or stew. 2nd Man suggested that when he tasted it, and I said I wasn't sure about that.

      We loved all the tim-tams but we had to eat them sporadically so I don't know if we had a fave, we liked them all ha.

  11. Tim Tams delicious, but so glad you enjoyed the Vegemite as a lot of overseas visitors do not like it.
    Plenty in our house as my disabled dh loves toasted cheese & Vegemite sandwiches. Not just a smear mind you, a good spread!!
    Look forward to you visiting one day.

    1. We did like it, in small amounts to start with ha. Toasted cheese and vegemite? That sounds good too. Thank you for the kind words. Someday!!!

  12. At 44 degrees celsius yesterday you may want to come in winter. Very hot and my vegie garden has shrivelled up.
    So glad you liked the vegemite, we eat it daily here. Double coated Tim-tams are my favourite.

    1. Double coated tim-tams? Dang, I'm going to have to get online and find all the varieties, LOL. Thank you, we can't wait to visit sometime the country sometime. :-)

  13. Australia is definitely a fascinating place, no denying that. I've made some lovely friends from there thanks to the internet. They are definitely ahead of the game in permaculture and water recycling!

    Very interesting about the food products. I had to go read up on them out of curiosity. We learn the best things from the internet!

    1. Isn't it great 'meeting' people like this? And yes, Australia is ahead in many environmental issues. Solar is big there too, I wish that would catch on here.

      Love the wealth of information available, it truly is an amazing world isn't it?

  14. I LOVE Tim Tams, can't quite say the same for Vegemite YUCK! Sorry...

    1. Ha, that's ok, I can understand why it's a love it or hate it. It think moderation is the key. Tim Tams on the other hand, the more the merrier, ha.

  15. Replies
    1. Wasn't it? Thank you!!! Can you imagine the awesome birds they have there too? ;-)

  16. You should come on over to Australia - you would be very welcome!

  17. I'm an Aussie, and I can say that a Tim Tam Slurpee is the best thing ever. And can I just say thank god that you put a good amount of Vegemite on your toast. I've seen videos on youtube of American children trying vegemite, and they lather the stuff on like nutella or peanut butter or something like that. Thank god for someone with common sense.

    1. Hello!! And thanks for the kind words! We are still fans of Vegemite (but have not yet found TimTams easily available). 2nd Man has even used Vegemite as an ingredient in stews/soups/etc.

      Thanks again and stop by anytime!!


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