
Thursday, November 17, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Outdoor shower, image courtesy of
Been thinking about a way to clean up without traipsing through the house to the one bathroom we have.  So we thought, why not an outdoor shower?  There are hundreds thousands online at any given time with lots of ideas.  

We really like the simplicity of this type.  The hose on this one wraps around a tree, goes up into a branch and just rains down on you while you stand in a galvanized tray to keep the mud off your feet.  Now of course, we have several areas near water sources that could be diverted and would work for this.  They are private so that means this could be just like an indoor shower.  But to us, it would work just fine as an outdoor shower next to a pool, a place to just rinse off and/or cool nudity required, LOL!

But for modesty purposes, a simple screen made of some galvanized sheet metal, wood, and a couple of hinges would work fine for the more modest times.

Be inspired!


  1. Cool Idea but not sure if I would like a cold shower or the thought of low flying helicopters and planes flying over head.
    We do get our share of those large army helicopters as well as private planes flying pretty low here at times.
    We do have an outdoor sink if we need to wash up and clean up a bit before coming in.

    1. Not under any major flight path, so it's rare to see them. A few private planes on occasion....I like the idea of an outdoor sink, will look into that too. Thanks!!

  2. Oh, once again, this is something I want, something I have discussed with a friend! I would prefer a three-sided screen for modesty, at least with one side facing the back of the house. I have the perfect standing rock! Keep most of the hose in the sun and you will have a nice, hot shower. You find the best iterations.

    1. A standing rock!! I LOVE that idea. I don't think we have one big enough but it would be fun to look for one. And hose in the sun you are so right, I always have to run the hose for a bit when I water so I don't spray hot water on the plants, ha.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, isn't it neat? Not too hard to pull off. Heck, for now I could hang a garden hose over a branch and get some sort of shower head and do it. We'll see how it creates itself, ha.

  4. If you get as hot and dirty as me in the spring/summer garden, that would be good to have. And I used to garden naked as a jaybird. No modesty here.

    1. I do get dirty, and yep, the more I think about this it could be a great idea to clean up before going inside. As for nude gardening, no comment....and I don't mean about you, I mean about myself! ;-)

  5. Outdoor showers were always a feature of the beach houses I went to as a child. Loved them.

    1. I never thought about them at the beach, that makes sense. I'll have to look for some more pictures.

  6. 1st Man,

    An outside shower is very relaxing especially when you have your privacy.

    1. Privacy for sure, and definitely seems like it would be relaxing. Thanks!!!

  7. Our neighbour has an outdoor shower attached to the house so they have hot and cold water. He uses it almost every day of the year, even in winter when we have -7 degrees. No close neighbours to worry about though I did almost cop an eye full one morning when I visited without notifying first. Luckily, I could hear the shower before seeing anything.

    1. That is TOO funny! Yeah, while 2nd Family doesn't come up to visit all the time, they do on occasion and I'll have to take location into account, ha.

  8. i actually have an outdoor shower in my garage. it faces the garden and you can look at the fountain and it's surrounded by trees. it's wonderful!

  9. You could get an all-over suntan as you shower!!

  10. I like the one with some cover!

    1. Yes, shade would probably be nice (or did you mean cover as in the privacy screen? ha).

  11. Love the second picture, with the standing stones and piles of round pebbles at the bottom and the yellow flower peeking under the galvanized siding! My neighbors are way too close for this, but you've definitely inspired me into thinking along those lines! Summers in South Mississippi are hot, and working in the yard on those hot days, an outdoor shower with cold water would be perfect!


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