
Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Remember a few weeks ago I posted HERE about our Aloe Vera plant that was suddenly blooming?  

We've been on bloom watch every weekend and last weekend, it finally opened up to show us the flowers.

Aloe Vera Flowers
The flowers are orange with a hint of yellow.  It's so pretty, in a minimalist sort of way, ha.  No scent that we could discern but they are small and this was as much at they did.  They sort of opened at the ends and that was it.  

Now with the cold weather upon us, the flowers will be gone. Not sure how long until we see them again, but I'm glad we were able to see it this time!


  1. Mine in Jersey bloomed every year after the first time. Hope yours do the same. Same type of flowers, no scent, but the insects seemed to like it.

    1. Wow, that's awesome! I've had aloe vera around in some form or another (relatives, me, friends, etc) for years and never saw a bloom. I hope this does it again. I won't move it, we'll leave it in it's spot, it seems to be happy!

      Thanks!!! Come back and visit!

  2. I have never heard of an aloe plant blooming, but it makes sense they have some sort of blooms. Winter is coming back here after days of weather so warm I need ac. There is some sort of grass in my yard that looks like St. Augustine. If it is, the is the first year long St. Augustine grass I have ever had. The daffodil greenery was six inches tall on NYE!

    This year will be the year I do get an aloe vera plant. practical parsimony

    1. I hope you stay warm and safe this cold blast. This weather is so crazy. I'd send you some aloe pups (babies) next Spring if I knew how to get them mailed safely. :-)

  3. Pretty flowers - nice to see on a dreary winter day!

    1. I know it's nice to have some color other than brown and browner, ha.

  4. How pretty.
    Everyone will want to go out and get themselves an Aloe plant now.
    I have one but it's still rather small and guess what? I did remember this year to bring inside so it doesn't freeze and turn into mush like it done for me a few years ago.
    Thanks 4 sharing on this cold winter day. It brightened up my day somewhat.

    1. Dang it, I TOTALLY forgot to put it inside. Ugh. It's on the porch sheltered from wind and cold, behind some other plants and stuff sitting in front of it. I hope it makes it. Sigh.

      Yep, we're in for cold (you much colder than us). Stay warm!

  5. I've never seen one bloom ! Very cool. Keep doing whatever you're doing. It seems to be very happy :D

    1. It's happy for sure, now I just hope I didn't kill it by forgetting to put it up.


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