
Friday, January 13, 2017

FRIDAY THE 13TH is one of only TWO Friday the 13th's this year (the next one is in what seems now like far off October).  

So, that got us to wondering, how many of you are superstitious?  
Anything you will or won't do relating to a superstition?  

For me personally, I won't walk under a ladder, and I do "knock on wood" when I say something that might warrant that form of protection, ha.  I'm also very careful around mirrors and I still cross my fingers for luck...

But today doesn't feel like a bad day to us and of course we own a black cat so that's not even an issue.  I step on lots of cracks in my life.  I'll pick up a penny if it's on heads OR tails.  And I've been known to open an umbrella inside (though in all fairness, I don't "like" to do that).

Or are you the type like this and today is just another day?

Chime in below!  
We'd love to hear!


  1. superstitious? Nope, not me. I take it like any other day but I do pick up pennies found on the ground.
    See a penny . . .
    Pick It Up
    And all Day Long
    You Will Have good Luck.

    All pennies found are out in Large / Hugh container. Have been collecting pennies since I was a kid.
    Oh, Happy Day Every One.

  2. We sound alike, but don't like to push it. I'd never schedule anything serious on the 13th of anything. Must be a seed of truth in all those things. Like I said, I don't want to push it and of course, I'll pick up pennies anyway I find them.

  3. Black cats cross my path every day. And except when he trips me up while I am carrrying groceries it is not an issue.
    Not very superstitious here, but I do throw a pinch of salt over my shoulder if I spill it.

  4. Friday the 13th is usually a good day for me, a reverse superstition I suppose.

  5. i love friday the 13th's! i'll take all the good energy out of them that others don't use. i throw away all my pennies and it sounds like lots of people are picking them up!

  6. nope, not superstitious at all. friday the 13th means nothing to me. have a good weekend!

  7. nope. not superstitious and didn't even know that yesterday was the 13th!!! but i didn't know it was friday either! we honestly never know what day it is and only know the months based on the weather - bahahahah! unless one of us actually bothers to look at the date on our computer. the joys of being retired eh?

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

  8. My husband and I were married on January 13, which happened on a Friday. So far, so good.

  9. Friday 13th has never been bad for me, quite the opposite.
    But I don't walk under ladders if I can help it and I do knock on wood or my husband's head, whichever is closest. ;)


  10. With all the pennies I have saved up; some I plan on using in craft projects. Idea for one is to use my pennies to make a penny table top as well as a serving tray top. Something along the line as show3n in the link.
    So, many wonderful projects a person can do with their penny change :}

  11. I’m not very superstitious but I would NOT have been a passenger on this flight! :
    “Flight 666 makes safe Friday the 13th landing in HEL” -
    “Finnair Flight 666 took off from Copenhagen, Denmark (CPH) and flew directly to Helsinki, Finland (HEL) on Friday. Even better? The flight took off at 13:00 local time. And it gets even wackier. The Twitter account @Flightradar24, which tracks air traffic around the world, pointed out the aircraft is 13 years old, according to its registration and serial number.”

  12. I am not superstitious at all. I do not believe anything cosmic controls us or cares. But, think about it--is it smart to walk under a ladder since you might knock it over. Or, if a person is on the ladder, that person might drop something on you. I avoid ladders because it just inherently seems like a foolish idea. If I spill salt, I will not toss any over my shoulder because I have made one mess and why bother?

  13. I seem to stand alone in that I am superstitious. I don't worry about cracks but do register when a black cat looks like it is going to cross my path. I knock on wood, uncross knives and forks, throw spilt salt over my shoulder, the whole bit. I have always done this, I think because my mum did it.


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