
Friday, January 20, 2017


Sorry for no post yesterday and not replying to comments...I got a phone call at work, 2nd Man had been involved in a serious accident.  
He was OK, shaken up of course but thankfully, not hurt...

2nd Man had a green light on a one way street.

Driver's side rollover smashed
The other person was traveling down the feeder road and ran their red light...

Impact side on 2nd Man's car
...and t-boned him on the passenger side, spinning his car around and rolling it over onto the driver's side.  We are not sure if it somehow bounced back upright or if the bystanders who rushed to help pushed it back upright.

Other person's car
This is the other person's car.  
They were taken to the hospital (not sure of their condition, we believe it was just as a precaution).

Again, 2nd Man is fine, airbags deployed and the car really protected him.

The next couple of days will be hectic as we get rental lined up, get the car moved to the shop to see if it will be repairable or totaled (we lean toward it most likely being a total loss), etc.  We will keep you posted.


  1. Thank goodness everyone is ok.
    Usually when the airbags are deployed it's considered a total loss. The body may be sprung and what else may be damaged to make it unavailable to drive right.

    Some years ago when my husband was involved in an accident (not his fault)both air bags deployed and our insurance company totaled the car but then had a lot of front damage to the car and that is when we went to having a pickup. First thing our insurance guy asked whether the air bags where deployed. They totaled it right away.
    Again. glad everyone is ok

    1. Thank you very much! The front airbags didn't deploy but the side ones did. We'll see, they claims person is supposed to be out this week. We'll see. It's so scary, and we saw the car again Saturday. Thanks for the well wishes!!!

  2. Those feeder roads in Texas can be dangerous. People fly down them like they are a runway for a take off. Glad he was not seriously hurt.

    1. A runway for take off that is SO true. Some places don't have feeders like that but yep here in Texas they are crazy.

  3. Thank goodness 2nd Man wasn't injured beyond some probable soreness. After the shock of the accident wears off there's the aggravation of dealing with the aftermath; it can take so much time to find a new car and get it licensed. I hope it all goes smoothly. It's a good thing there was no front seat passenger.

    1. Oh, yep, that's the part we aren't looking forward to. And yes, normally if we're out driving, I drive and he's in the passenger seat. Yeah, on that side the impact would have been sizable (though there was not intrusion into the cabin, so that was good). Thanks for the good wishes, he appreciates them!!

  4. So sorry to hear this. I'm grateful 2nd man isn't hurt badly. It does upset you terribly - it's scary!

    1. Very scary indeed and not a phone call you want to get in the middle of the day. Thanks for the thoughts!!

  5. A real blessing that 2nd man is fine. I'm sorry for him, the car and you. Any news like that can affect a spouse and a loved one.

    1. Thank you very much, it was stressful for me but I needed to stay strong for him. We're both much better now, ha. Thanks!!!

  6. I am glad to hear 2nd man was not injured. you can always replace a car, but never a husband. sending you positive vibes for healing.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. He and I both appreciate it!!! Yep, cars are just "things" but people are people and irreplaceable.

  7. Thank goodness he's alright. I bet he'll be might sore or a few days. Like the comments above, my money is on a write-off. There are many panels damaged and with it rolling and air bags going off, the dollars will mount. Very pleased that 2nd Man wasn't hurt.

    1. Yep, still sore today and staying home from work tomorrow but better for sure. I'll update about what the insurance says. Thanks for the thoughts, he appreciates them!

  8. So glad he is ok-It looks like it could have been tragic. Take care.

    1. It could have been, we're grateful the car protected him. Thanks again, very much!

  9. So sorry to read this but thankful no damage to 2nd man. Thank goodness for airbags, that the t boning was to empty passenger side, for seat belts and cars that are built well.

    1. Thank you! We are amazed how well the car held up. They are definitely built safe these days.

  10. so sorry this happened but at least he is okay! scary!

    1. Scary indeed. Thank you so much, he is better.

  11. Terrible, but quite common and so glad he was not injured. Such a mess always ensues. Time to get that truck for the farm.

    1. LOL, yep, we need a truck for sure, ha. It's a mess but so far, things are progressing ok, we'll see how it goes.

  12. I am so sorry there was an accident, but sometimes I like to look through rose colored glasses. Though it won't change the aggravation and paperwork, the car is replaceable but 2nd man is not.

    1. Nothing wrong with those rose colored glasses, I wear them too, ha. Paperwork just happens. we get through it. But yep, 2nd Man needs to stay around for a long time. :-)

      Thank you!!!

  13. Oh goodness, how quick things turn from nice and easy to disaster and turmoil! That could have ended real bad , thank God that it was mostly the metal that took the beating. Traffic is getting more and more fierce, people are constantly in a hurry and not really being as observant as neccesary.
    Well, that ceremony in Washington today, all in all , the most important thing is the welfare of our loved ones!! Take care, over there!!! Blessings to you.

    1. Life can indeed change in a moment huh? And yes it could have been much worse, we are grateful. Thank you so much!!! And yes, kind of was a distraction from everything else. Thank you much and blessings back to you.

  14. So good to hear 2nd man wasn't hurt but if you know of a really good chiropractor I would recommend a visit.....who knows what happened to his body when the shock wave of the T bone jolted him sideways, not to mention whatever twisting, jerking and whiplash when the car flipped over. Something like that can have long term effects if not sorted out in the beginning. Please find someone who comes well recommended, there are a lot of "cowboys" to be avoided.
    I hope the weekend is enough time for 2nd man to recover and rest up, such a traumatic event can effect physically and mentally more than you would think, encourage him to talk about it.

    Hope you both recover well and get things moving to replace the car.

    1. He's going to go get checked out tomorrow. We do have a rec for someone really good. He rested up well and he's getting memories back. He just remembered today about the sound of the airbags and the smell they generated inside the car.

      Thank you so much, he and I appreciate the kind thoughts!!!

  15. Oh, my! I'm so grateful he wasn't injured. I'd be shaken up, too.


    1. Definitely shaken up, but feeling better now, thanks!!!

  16. I'm so glad 2nt man wasn't hurt badly!!

    1. Just stiffness and soreness but better. Thank you!

  17. Thank goodness he's ok, that must have been very scary.

    1. It was and he still doesn't remember most of it, though bits and pieces come back. Thank you!!

  18. 2nd-Man, glad you're OK. Today we are far more likely to be in a car accident because of cell phones and texting. Alway wear your seat belt and drive like the other person wants to hit you!
    Also, I'll bet 1st-Man is really glad you're OK, otherwise he'd have to do the cooking and I'm pretty sure he's no match for your cooking! :-)

    1. 2nd Man is having me reply for him. He said thank you of course and laughed about driving like the other person wants to hit you. I say yes, too many distracted drivers today too, I hate that.

      2nd Man says yes, I am no match for his cooking, that's for sure (hmm, maybe I shouldn't have typed that, LOL!).

      Seriously though, he said thank you so much for the well wishes.

  19. I am so glad he is ok. Sorry the accident happened, but the important thing is his safety.

    1. Yep, that's is true. Thank you very much. That's all that matters, right?

  20. What a frightening thing for both of you. Sooo glad that 2nd Man was not seriously hurt. Sending hugs and well wishes.

    1. Thank you so much. He thanks you as well. Hugs back at ya!!!

  21. Not good. There are idiots on the road all over the world.
    Tell him to take care and I hope he is insured with you! We know you will look after him.

    1. I guess wherever there are cars there are idiots, right? Ha. Yep, I've taken care of him this weekend and he is much better. Thank you very much!!

  22. Very relieved to learn that 2nd man is okay. I expect you are both feeling quite shaken/shocked by it all. I hope all goes smoothly with the insurance and replacement. Sending you both my gentle hugs, care, and purry head-butts from small, rotund tabster, Megs, Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand.

    1. It does shake everyone up for sure. This will be an interesting week for sure (insurance-wise). We laughed about the head-butts, love cats so we'll take all the head-butts we can get, from rotund or otherwise, ha. (and we have two, one of which is rotund, er, "fluffy", ha)

  23. Oh, so scary! Glad he's okay! xx

    1. Thank you, he's okay now and less sore every day. XO to you as well!!

  24. I'm so very glad he is safe! So very glad!

  25. Sending healing thoughts and prayers for both of you!

  26. I'm so glad 2nd Man is okay - what a fright for you too. Thank goodness for airbags!

    1. Thank you very much! Airbags really are pretty amazing aren't they?

  27. Replies
    1. I know!! That's what everyone has noticed too. Amazing how cars are build these days. Thanks!!

  28. I'm glad 2nd Man is OK. I've had 3 family members killed in car accidents by drunk drivers. Getting in a car accident in one of my worst fears. Every time I get behind the wheel of the car I always say a prayer before I drive off. My driving doesn't scare me. It's all the other idiots out there driving! Out of curiosity what was 2nd Man driving. I am in the market for a new vehicle and I've been looking at Honda CRV's. I keep thinking I need to go bigger!


    1. Hi there!!! Oh my, I'm so sorry about your losses. That's SO distressing. That is scary and so unfair. He has a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I got the Jeep Cherokee (close in size to the Honda CRV) because Jeep has very good crash test ratings. Not sure how mine would have held up, hopefully just as good, but the Grand Cherokee is much bigger so who knows. but yes, check out those test ratings they are important. And thank you SO much for the well wishes. They were much appreciated by both of us. Hugs to you!!!

  29. 1st Man,

    Sending prayers, and happy to hear 2nd Man wasn't seriously hurt. Please tell 2nd Man to take it slow, don't move fast the next couple of days. Even if you weren't hurt the day of the accident your body will feel some pain from being flipped over in the car. If there's anything I can do for you or 2nd Man please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

    1. You are SO sweet. Thank you so much for this, I read your comment to 2nd Man and he said "big hugs back to you". He's staying home tomorrow and going to get checked out just for the soreness on his shoulder. Big hugs to you~~~

  30. Oh my gosh! I've been out of town and just now catch-up by up on blogs.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's wreck and so glad he wasn't hurt. It's a miracle he wasn't! Thank goodness for airbags. I bet he was sore the next day! Those pics were scary looking...

    Best wishes to you both,


    1. Awww, thanks for this sweet comment. He is still sore a week later now, but feeling much better. It was scary to come up on it too (for me, getting the phone call and driving there to get him), but the airbags were amazing. The car held up extremely well too. Thanks again!!!

  31. Oh no! I was catching up on reading your blog and just saw this. I am glad he is ok. Was 2nd man able to have his car repaired?

    1. It was a total loss (still arguing with the insurance company about the value) and he's been having some pains so it will be an ongoing thing. But he's otherwise ok and I remain grateful for that. Thank you so much for the well wishes I will pass them along.


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