
Thursday, February 16, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Sitting area, image courtesy of
As often happens, we find photos we like and somehow, they involve sitting areas.  For this one, it is just nice to see some pavers, bushes, and chairs under a tree as a nice respite from life.  We like how there is a little path that leads into the area with the chairs.

A good reminder, especially on a large property with lots of walking, to just have a place every so often to stop and sit and enjoy the surroundings.

Be inspired!


  1. Well thought out and beautiful.

    1. It does look nice and planned. And so relaxing, ha.

  2. That beautiful photo is an example of not using straight lines for beds, etc. The landscape designers are right. Straight lines aren't natural in the environment, so it makes me wonder why all houses are straight lines...

    1. This is a great observation. I did our fruit trees in beds in straight lines and of course the garden beds are straight lines but I think landscaping around the house and such should be curves and such. Good point!

  3. That is just lovely! I found some plans for a modified Adirondack chair that I am going to build this spring (Well, attempt to build anyway). I might have t filch this patio/garden idea !

    1. I understand. I have some plans too that I saved not sure when I'll tackle them but I'm willing to give it a try. Of course, 2nd Man said 'just buy some if you want them', ha. We'll see how it works in the end.

  4. Oh how I needed that quiet little vista today as I'm dealing with insurance companies who don't want to insure our home because it's a grain bin house or has alternative heating or the sky is too blue...whatever...yeah. Needed a quiet spot and the hope of spring. Thanks 1st man.

    1. Awww, thanks for that. The hope of Spring is something we all need form time to time. Good luck on the insurance, I work for an insurance company and I'm amazed at times what they won't insure that just doesn't make sense to me. There is someone out there who will, don't give up.

  5. lovely, those Adirondeck chairs seem to feature in quite a few (lots) of your inspiration pictures, and they are so comfortable as the back seems to be at just the right angle.

    1. Hi again! And thanks for the observation, you are right, I think that's a sign, ha. Thank you again!!!

  6. I'm thinking I saw that photo in Country Living magazine, but perhaps it is circulated amongst other publications. No matter, I was inspired by the peacefulness of the photo. I've been looking at your house interiors, really cute. Like you said, you don't need a lot of room and besides it's easier to maintain a smaller home. I'm a new Follower.

    1. Peaceful isn't it? I'd just plop right down here and not want to get up, ha. YAY for being a new follower!!! Thank you we appreciate it so much. Hope you'll come back and visit regularly. I don't always reply right away to comments due to time but we read EVERY single one and then I mostly get around to it, ha. The house is small for sure. Thanks for the kind words.


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