
Tuesday, February 21, 2017


So, a couple of weeks ago, I left this white towel outside on the table on the porch and I always seemed to forget it when I left.  I picked it up this past weekend to bring it back for laundry and something fell out onto the porch.

Do you see it there in the middle?  
Click on the picture and zoom in, it's there.
A freakin' adorable little green frog!  Probably about the size of a quarter.

First it hopped back up on the bottom board...

Then it positioned itself and jumped again...

Little Green Frog
And then started working its way back up toward the top of the table...

So naturally, I put the towel back on top, made a little cave like opening and left with the hope that the little green frog finds its way back inside.  

It can live there as long as it desires!


  1. nothing like the little guy getting all shook up and what a rude awaking from it's nice cozy bed :}.
    Sweet of you to leave the rag for him to crawl back into again.
    At least he didn't croak when he fell out. :}

    1. LOL I thought about that, he was probably sound to sleep and then flying down to the porch floor, poor guy!

      He didn't croak.... I see what you did there.... ;-)

  2. I love love love the sound tree frogs make when it's courting time. We have a lot of them in the backyard and have noticed on an early summer evening after a rainfall they really come out and sing.

  3. They are my favorite frogs. Their little camouflage color changes, hiding on plants or crawling up the windows. I even had one that used a birdhouse for its home. It was a little grass nesting house on a clothes line.

    1. I didn't realize they changed colors like that. I'll have to watch for it. Thanks!!

  4. What a cutie it is, and what a sweetheart you are for giving it back its home.

    1. Thanks, I just didn't think it was fair to take away his safe space.

  5. That was so lucky, if you had picked up the towel in a bundle it may have been caught up and ended up in the laundry.
    They are the cutest things and you will usually find them where they can keep moist and dark, I often have a few living in the bottom well of self watering pot plants, they come and go through the little overflow hole.
    When I set up my little frog pond I put a small solar powered path light nearby to attract insects....frog buffet.
    If you provide long term moisture and it can find food it may stay and live on your porch, it's too small to wander off looking for a mate.Have fun observing

    1. I know, that's what I thought too, I was lucky to see him. I like the idea of a frog buffet, we don't have lights on out there when we aren't there but a solar light on the porch might give him some snacks.

  6. cute. teddy would have eaten it!

  7. I love frogs and I especially love these little tree frogs! You got some cute pictures of yours. So kind of you to give him his house back.
    When we would hear their peeping in the evening after a rain, my mom said that they were saying "more rain, more rain" :)

    1. Thanks!! And what a cute memory to have of your Mom that they were saying 'more rain, more rain', ha. Of course you know this part of the state, there just might be more rain soon, ha.

  8. You are such a good photographer! You may want to look into publishing story books with your pictures, I think you'd do a great job. I never believed that frogs got that green!

    1. Aww, thanks for that. The camera does the hard work, ha. They are green huh?

  9. What an adorable little guy!! We get frogs on occasion in the summer. I've scooped a couple of them out of the pool. Thankfully the cats don't bother with them. : ) xo

    ~ Wendy

    1. Well hello! Thanks for the comment. He was adorable for sure. Off to visit your blog!!

  10. So cute! I occasionally find little bright greenies like this; the ones I find also have sticky orange coloured toes & I will frequently come 'face to face' with a froggie who is just hanging out on the garden door!

    1. Hello! Now seeing one stuck to the door would be awesome, perhaps startling at first but still awesome. Thanks for stopping by!!!

  11. Cute and so nice of you to give it back its home. One day, I was startled as I approached my white car and found myself face to face with a white frog on the top of the car! I had never seen a white from before and assumed it could change its color. By the time I got my camera, the frog had gone. THEN, I came home and found another white frog on the white door facing. I sort of want to think it was the same frog. I have never seen a snow white from before or since.

    1. A white frog? WOW! I wonder if it was albino? I saw white alligators at a zoo once. That's cool. Don't you hate when you go to get the camera to take an awesome picture and then you go back to do it and it's gone??


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