
Saturday, February 25, 2017


I wish I had some before pictures but it's not too bad (at least as I remember it from the last time I looked at it, ha).  

The last few weekends have all been about the fruit tree raised beds so today the plan is to work on the garden area.  I'll be cleaning it all up and getting the beds we're going to use, prepped for Spring planting which is coming soon.  I have to pull up the old herbs that are still hanging on, a few of the 'greens' that we grew but they bolted, turn the soil, add some where needed and just generally pull up weeds wherever they are.

It is starting out in the 40's/50's, so it will be a beautiful day to get that done.  

We hope your weekend is off to a great start!!


  1. Hoping you have a great day at the Farm! It's a little chilly but the sun is shining beautifully!

    Since it seems like it's going to be an early Spring, I'm going to plant my garden today. I bought the tomato and pepper plants, herbs, and the seeds, so I'm ready to go.

    Have fun today!

    1. It was chilly. Yay for garden and double yay for early Spring. We'll take it!!

  2. I had a comment on the furry valentine box, but cannot open your comments. It was 81 degrees F here on Friday. Tonight it will be below 30F. Right now, it's 50s and windy. I would hate to be in the garden today.

    1. Below 30? Wow! Stay warm. Your Spring is coming!!! ;-)

  3. Enjoy your day at the farm.
    We finally had to break down and mow our yard Thursday

    1. Thank you! I NEED to mow but the mower is in the shop. Hope to get it back soon.

  4. 1st Man,

    It was a gorgeous weekend, please tell me you wore sun screen while working outside this weekend. Have you decided what you'll be planting this season in your garden?

    We tackled breaking down and removing all the soil, compost, and peat used in our garden beds. Spread it across the front and side yard. Then we cut down 3 tree's and removed them for chipping. Monday we will continue to cut down tree's, and pack. Life is good!!!

    1. Yes, definitely sunscreen. Working on the final plans. Won't do a lot again but more than last time. Baby steps, right? Ha.

      Life is good here too! Still so excited for your new adventures coming soon!!!


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