
Sunday, February 12, 2017


Just some random things for Sunday afternoon...

Got FIVE raised beds filled with soil after a few trips to the garden center.  Only three left to go, will finish that next weekend and then let the soils/composts cure and settle for a week or so and then plant the fruit trees in them.

I had cows watching me both days.  
They are such curious creatures.

Someone mentioned in a post last Fall about a great cleaner for the house siding.  I don't remember what post that was and I forgot to write the suggestion down.  Does anyone have any easy "spray the house and forget it" cleaner that will work for mildew on siding?  This is the North side of the house which always seems to get the most mildew.  It's amazing how fast it appears and how crappy it makes things look, ha. 

Came home today to some chicken oven roasted in the cast iron pan.

Yummy.  A great ending to the weekend!

We hope you had a great one!


  1. For me; I like using Simple Green for cleaning.

    Simple Green is a Great cleaner.  I use it all the time for cleaning things in and around the house.  Can also buy in stores.

  2. Your Question about your mold on your siding; found here:

    Quote from Mike:
    Mike Yukon said...
    For your mold I recommend; Wet and Forget 10587 1 Gallon Moss, Mold and Mildew Stain Remover.
    I use it and it works great. A quick spray once a year and you’ll never have mold again.

    1. Dang, you are good! I was looking further back. Thank you!

  3. Yes, it was me. It's called Wey & Forget
    I use it and it works great. May seem to be a little slow just give it a couple weeks and them it will work for over a year without re-treating.

    1. Yes Mike!!! I should have remembered that. Thank you so much for the tip. I like that it's long lasting. Will order some and test it out.

    2. Sold in my area at Home Depot as well as WalMart. They also have indoor Wet & Forget for indoor use as well.
      Check your local area to see if they carry it

    3. Thank you, will check it out!!

  4. I can confirm that Wet and Forget is wonderful stuff. I used on the part of my home that faces south (the equiv of your north-facing side) 2 years ago and only now need a wee "top up" spray! Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand.

    1. I love that your South facing is the same as our North facing. What a wonderful planet. Thanks for the corroboration!

  5. You got a LOT of work done on your raised beds - with the supervision of your friendly neighborhood cows!

    And 2nd Man came through with another delicious supper!

    1. Thanks, it's been a lot of heavy lifting and bending and pushing but it's working out nicely. Fingers crossed! Should finish this weekend and then I'll give it a couple of weekends and then get the trees in.

      And yep, dinner was delish!

  6. You definitely had a busy Sunday!!! Love your curious creatures. Have s great week:)

    1. Hello there! And thank you! Great week to you!!!

  7. I just went on to Amazon to look at that product: Wet and Forget. The reviewers brought up a couple of important points. Wear a mask and avoid all contact with this product, and watch pets during use and until product is dry. Apparently it has some pretty awful side effects. Just a word to the wise...

    1. Oooh, thanks for that, I haven't gotten that far yet but I will read up on it and see what we think. Thank you much!!!!


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