
Saturday, October 21, 2017


Today is a wedding!   

2nd Man's Nephew is getting married so the family expands yet again!

We'll be gone most of the day, but back tonight after the reception to root for our hometown Houston Astros to secure the other spot in the World Series! 

Tomorrow, regardless of the weather (rain in the forecast), I'll be off to the farm to check on things.  


Thanks for letting us share in your special day!


  1. YAY! Always like to hear of a weeding. Hope they have a joyous day!

    1. It was beautiful, they were so happy and it was a nice day.

  2. No more Lastros; my husband is on the moon. My sister is going to MD Anderson this week. Say a prayer for her. Know of any great seafood restaurants close by? Captain Bennies is gone I hear.

    1. Yep, from Lastros a few years ago to the World Series, pretty amazing. We will both keep your Sister in our thoughts and send good energy her direction. Hmm, I hadn't heard the Captain Benny's was gone? I just checked their website and didn't see anything about being closed down. There's some Google reviews up from just two weeks ago. So double check for that. Another great place here is Pappadeaux, it's cajun seafood and really good. Another place not too far away (and FYI more upscale, in case price is a consideration) is Danton's Gulf Coast Seafood Kitchen. Really nice and wonderful Gulf Coast seafood (very well known chef behind it too).

      Big hugs to your Sister!

    2. Oh thank you. Captain Bennie's must have moved then. It used to be in the med center. I'll look it up. It was my sister's favorite place. I'll pass them along. Today is her first appointment. Nerve wracking and that would be a nice diversion.


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