
Thursday, October 5, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

You know, about 6 years ago, before we had the farm, a person in the neighborhood had one of these old cast iron sinks.  They were getting rid of it and it was free to whoever wanted to haul it off.  I remember us seeing the posting and going "nah, what could we ever do with that?".  

Um, put it on a stand of some sort and do this!  

Obviously this isn't a functioning sink, our guess is this use is a potting bench of some sort.  But hey, you could put it in the garden and use it to rinse off veggies if you just connected a hose to the drain.  Or you could use it as a place for potting soil while you work on plantings. We kind of even like the flower skirt, it adds color and seems somehow fitting.  If I should happen across another one sometime, I will pick it up immediately and take it to the farm. There could be something like this in our future someday.  

Be inspired...


  1. love them old cast iron sinks.
    We do have a stainless steel sink that hubby built a stand for and we have it connected to our faucet by our hose cart. Comes in handy washing off your hands when potting plants or when hubby has oil and grease on his hands for washing up before coming into the house.
    Also have a porcelain sink of which I had planted low growing plants / flowers in.

  2. This is so stinkin cute. I would love this at my regular house, not just the lake place!

  3. dog gone it. I had one of those sinks, and never saw the potential until now. And that shabby chic / victorian vibe is exactly me. O well. Thanks for sharing the purty picture.

  4. I love that. I'd put it in the foyer of my house with plants in it, or maybe something else. Maybe I'd fill it up with books. I always need a place for books.


  5. I saw four of those yesterday! I think I will go back and see how much they cost. I love that idea--sink, skirt, and base!

  6. I just noticed the ruffle is a valance from pinch-pleated drapes! Or maybe the drape was cut off just for this.

  7. 1st Man,

    A nice, functional garden table!!! Love the old fashioned sinks and cabinets.

  8. It would be a great potting bench. Or as a place to rinse off your vegetables. It would be wonderful to have a sink this size in the house for canning.


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