
Tuesday, February 27, 2018


With the cold, wet weather over a few weekends, it was time for me to tackle the barn/workshop. 

I went to Home Depot and bought some HDX storage boxes over a couple of weekends so I'd have a variety of sizes.

We bought several of each size. We liked these containers because they have an overlapping lid that latches them shut and creates a tight seal.  You can even use tie-wraps to really lock them down and they also stack on top of each other perfectly.  

I didn't get any before pictures of the barn itself, but I did have these pictures of the empty loft.  

So I got started.  I had a vision of getting it all done in one day but, um, that wasn't going to happen.  I just started with the blank slate of one loft...

 And started boxing up and organizing.  We kept the plastic boxes we already had and moved them up.  Then we disposed of anything cardboard and transferred them to the new plastic boxes.

It didn't take long to fill up this side... 

...and then I had another side to fill up too.

It didn't take long to get them up there too.  It's a combination of holiday decorations, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and some collectible type things we want to keep for now.

There is still room up there for more boxes plus we have another loft on the other end of the barn that is the same size and completely empty.  We'd like to keep things a bit organized by maybe keeping this end decorations for various things at the farm and maybe the other end will be tools that I don't use often or other things related to the workshop.  

The floor of the barn is much clearer but it also still needs more clearing.  I think we need some shelving around the sides and places to store things like the tools and woodworking supplies.  

Baby steps!


  1. Looking Good. Looks like you are getting very well organized.
    Nice to get things organized and out of the way.

    I do have some dark tubs that I can't see through so what I had done, using index cards I wrote down what all was inside and using packaging tape I taped the index card on the end and the side so that no matter how I stack the containers I can see right off hand what is in each container without opening the lid to see what is inside.
    Also, some I took pictures of the items and taped it to the outside as well.

    1. OOH! Good idea. I like the pictures idea too. Sort of take a picture of them open and you could get an idea for what's in each one. Thanks!!

    2. Yuppers. Makes it a lot easier to know what is in each container that way; by seeing a picture and having a list on index cards.

  2. Wow, now I have storage envy! A place for everything and everything in its' place!

    1. Stil a LOT to go but we're working on it. Thank you!

  3. Brilliant. Your forethought triggers memories of our own lack in that department. The mice - and who knows what else - had a party over one winter and chewed away at every one of my husband's baseball mitts and all of his flags.

    1. I'm sorry about that. Those mice can cause SO much damage. We haven't had any problems (so far, knock on wood) with mice in the barn, it's a pretty tight seal, though I know they can squeeze through the tinniest holes. Not sure they could make it up to the loft but they are industrious little things. We'll see.

  4. That looks fantastic. I love organization, but hate to do the organizing.

    1. I have a love hate. I love it before, I hate it during, then it changes to love when I realize how much difference it's made and then it's back to hate when I was too organized and can't find anything, ha.

  5. Very neat. Wish I had all that space.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. We wished we had made the lofts bigger but hey, we're blessed to have what we have. We'll just make the most of it, ha

  6. So, you have an Occasions Loft! Now, mouse and bug proof those boxes.

    1. An "Occasions Loft"! I love it!! We might just call it that and in the future I can say something like "did you check the occasions loft? Ha!

      Yep, bug and mouse proofing coming!

  7. i feel your pain! i spent the entire day in my garage and sent a carload packed to the roof to goodwill with more to go. time to get my grow room up and running. it's seed starting time.

    1. Oh I threw out a lot of trash and took a couple boxes to the donation place as well. Tis the season!

      Your "grow room". That cracked me up as I just saw a documentary on legalizing pot and they were talking about their "grow rooms" ha!!!!

  8. Replies
    1. So far so good! Time will DEFINITELY tell, ha

  9. I'm surprised you didn't label the boxes on the side you see. Our son recently moved from a 3 bedroom house to an apartment and we are storing some of his stuff. Some of his plastic boxes look flimsy compared to these. Good job!

  10. I've been on an organizing kick! Although I haven't gotten as far as you. We have a stone basement (comes with living in a 100 year old house) that is in desperate need of clearing out and organizing. I also want to put everything in plastic containers. You did a great job and thanks for the inspiration!

    Hen in a Farmhouse Nest


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