
Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Remember a few weeks back we had a post about the Pesto Chicken Wraps?

Here is another one we make that we really enjoy and it's more of a TexMex spin. 

Once again, it starts with lavash wraps.  Should be fairly easy to find in a larger grocery store but if not, they are very similar to tortillas (but thinner) or even pita bread (but without the pocket).  

2nd Man made a batch of pork carnitas.  That recipe will have to come another time but it's a pork butt, seasoned and roasted in the oven for a few hours, and basted in its own juices until browned.  We make a batch and eat on it for a few days.  

Then instead of the more Italian leaning tomato onion mixture like we had on the pesto wraps, this is a more Mexican style of mix, called Pico de Gallo.  He chops up tomato, onion, jalapeƱo and cilantro and mixes it all together.    

We spread the lavash wrap with guacamole (instead of mayo or mustard). 

Put on some carnitas, top with the pico de gallo and some sour cream and then roll it up.  

Cut it in half (easier to eat, ha) and serve.  In a way, it is a cross between a burrito and a sandwich. But oh my, it is so good.  Enjoy!


  1. I love a meal like this, minus the jalapenos. It works for a few meals, is delicious and does not demand constant attention.

    1. I hear ya, thats what we like about it. We love jalapeƱos (in moderation but super easy to leave them out).

  2. It's supper time and I want some of this!!

    1. LOL it's good!! I'll have to work on those carnitas recipe too.

  3. You posted this earlier than 4 pm? I replied at 2:45 and then it posted again at 6 pm. How did you do that? We are in the same time zone.

    1. I meant--you posted earlier than 6 pm?

    2. That's a google thing. I've noticed that too when I reply to some of y'alls comments. Now this post I had to pull down for a moment while I rebooted some things so that might have affected something too.

  4. Well, that just looks good enough to eat! I starting making my own tortilla shells a few months back, the first few were like cardboard...salsa covered cardboard...but they've improved since then. This concoction would could great with a cold beer I believe.

    1. OH yes, a cold beer would be wonderful. These wraps don't have much taste but they are a great platform for all the goodies, ha. The chicken pesto (link at top of post) are wonderful too. Now I'm hungry, ha.

  5. When DOES your book come out? ♡♡♡

  6. Hello!
    I cook the same way, using Armenian lavash that is very thin. Instead of pork I sometimes put on rice and egg, or cabbage and meat.
    I agree it's very tasty!

    1. Yay, someone else who knows what lavash is. Yes, it's very thin too. We love the idea of rice and egg. Cabbage (we have some!) and meat would be wonderful too. Thank you!

  7. I love to use lavash bread for roll ups. I think it has a nicer mouth feel than a tortilla or pita. This looks great and I always have a pack of carnitas in the freezer. I guess I know what we will be having for supper at the lake place this weekend.

    1. YES! Perfect for that. Just grab some pico de Gallo (most any big grocery will have some pre-chopped in the produce section). Some guac and sour cream, even cheese if you want, and it's good to go!


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