
Friday, July 27, 2018


(Farm Shark sighting pic at end of post)

Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found quite a few cool items so far.
Here is the latest!

This wooden box.  We're not sure what it was used for but the most obvious guess is that something was shipped in it. There was no lid or if there was at some point, it was in the trash where we couldn't get to it.

There are markings on the outside, obviously "this end up" here.  And rope handles on each side.  

Inside there were wooden pieces screwed in place.  I took my cordless screwdriver and removed them.

It's a well built box, very sturdy and heavy.  I was thinking of mounting some wheels onto the bottom and then using it somewhere in the barn/workshop.  There is ALWAYS a place for more storage in there.

Another good find that will be repurposed into something useful!  Stay tuned!

Farm Shark
I was driving to the barn to put the box inside and that's when I saw it!  Farm Shark!


  1. Replies
    1. LOL, I hear ya. Sometimes I think Is should just go down there and set up a chair to watch, ha.

  2. I love the handles, You need to erect a sign--"Beware of Sharks".

    1. I know, I'll definitely leave them on. That will make it easier to move around, no matter what I do with it.

  3. The sharks have made me giggle all week. Thank you for the laughs.
    I don't know if you have a fireplace or not at the farm, but a wheeled box would make a fantastic wood hauler to get enough for the weekend up to the porch. I need somewhere to find cool castoffs.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy them. One more Sunday and then I think the shark will vanish as it usually does until next year. Ha.

      No fireplace there but I was thinking of wood scraps and long pieces for woodworking, similar thinking.

  4. Do Farm Sharks hunt snakes? Could be useful!

  5. Nice box. I'd use it to! Scary shark but at least it doesn't stink like skunks do. I saw one when I went outside to water plants this evening....but it didn't spray. I did come back inside a bit but did go back and water and it was further away and I just kept watering. Never appeared again. Happy weekend!

    1. I know it was way too nice to pass up. I think 2nd Man looks at me and goes, "um what will you do with that?" That's not the point, ha.

    2. Oh, and skunks, eww, those things while pretty to watch wow, that smell just lingers for days, ha. Glad you didn't have to deal with that. Have a great weekend too!

  6. Looks like one handy dandy useful wooden crate you have. Should come in very handy out at your shed. Mounting cart / caster wheels on that is a great idea.
    Often wonder what might had been shipped in there.

    1. I know right? I can't wait to do something with it. I think I'll paint it a white, primer type of paint (I have some from the beehives). And that will cover up the writing. I can leave the inside as is because whatever I put inside would just scratch it up anyway. And definitely thinking some wheels on the bottom.

  7. Now that is a multi purpose find looks like 3/4 plywood and really sturdy paint and design it up , really nice find!

    1. Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Yep I measured, dang you are good! 3/4! It's very sturdy for sure that's why I thought it would be a great thing to keep and use. It should never go to the trash.

  8. OMG that is like the coolest find. I think it definitely needs wheels. Maybe storing long pieces of wood? Or other scraps?

    1. Ha, thanks for that. Yeah I couldn't pass it up for sure. And I was thinking of wood pieces and scraps as well. Sometimes it's hard to find a place to put all those random pieces. Thanks. for stopping by!!

  9. Nice box. This trash to treasure DIY project is so useful.


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