
Friday, September 21, 2018


Haven't posted any thrift store finds recently.  I found these a couple of weeks ago while at lunch.

Hanging candle lanterns
Ceramic candle lanterns with handles to hang them.  They don't look like they have ever been used.  They are a white ceramic and have a beautiful perforated pattern of holes on them.  

Candle lantern
Each one is between the size of a pint and a quart Mason jar. We're not crazy about the shiny brass wire handles but that could be easily remedied.  

While they could stay inside the house, we're thinking of using them on the porch.  We don't even have to use actual candles, we could use the battery operated tea lights.  

The best part is when a candle is lit up inside, it puts out a beautiful pattern of lights that dance on the walls and ceiling.

Price?  $1 each.


  1. What a find and what a deal. Those are pretty awesome and yes, you can always spray paint them handles to the color of your liking.

    They would look great all lit up while sitting on your front porch in the evening while enjoying a glass of wine. Hung on a shepherds hooks along the front of your porch or one on each side of your porch steps. Be pretty arranged in and with Fall decorations.
    So many ways these can be used; inside as well as outside.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Those were quite a bargain. I am thinking there were six and someone broke one, so, boo hoo, I cannot use them.

    I like to use tealight electric candles, too. I saw there were orange ones and purple ones. A piece of cellophane over each of my cheap white ones would serve the same purpose for colored light. I try to buy the white ones on sale.

    I like the flickering patterns, but it makes me woozy when walking.

  3. great deal! they will be so pretty at night.

  4. What a bargain! And a great find. They would be so cozy on the porch at the Farm.


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