
Sunday, September 16, 2018


Sunday musings.   We had rain yesterday, the farm according to 2nd Family is muddy and wet, so even though today is Sunny, we've decided to just stay in town this weekend.  

My boss was in New Mexico and brought us back a big bag of peppers from a local Farmer's Market. The orange is of course an orange bell.  Does anyone know what the red ones are?  Before you answer, it's sweet.  Not hot or spicy at all, almost like a sweet red bell pepper.  We're going to save some seeds and maybe see if we can grow them here next year.

This cow.
Ready for her closeup. 

Last weekend I noticed that the Maypops (Passion flower) are developing fruit.  We thought they were only in the Spring?  Not sure if we can harvest these, honestly have never eaten them.  We've always seemed to miss them, they are there one weekend, we forget for a couple of weeks and then they are gone (wildlife we presume).

Maybe we should try?

No truer words!

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. The red pepper looks like cayenne to me, but I am probably wrong. My brother ate Maypops.

    1. I thought that too but it's really big. And of course sweet. I've never had a maypop.

    2. I also thought cayenne as they are bumpy like the ones I have grown before that were 6 inches long. they were a little sweet as well

  2. If its sweet, it's most likely a Jimmy Nardello. I'm growing those this year.

    1. Hmm, just googled it and that looks like it could be it. Thank you for this. I'm saving seeds to give it a try next Spring. Stay tuned, ha!

  3. you sure had a rainy summer. we are getting rain tomorrow and tuesday from florence. we can use it!

    1. It was dry for a bit but we've definitely made up for it. Glad you all missed the hit. So sad to see the devastation in the Carolinas.

  4. If you don't get any ripe passion fruit this year, again, maybe you'll get some when you go to live at the farm full time. I haven't had a lot of experience with the fruit, but do know that it is extremely acidic, tart, astringent. Pick your favorite adjective, but it is not sweet like you expect fruit to be. They need to ripen a lot before I'd ever want to eat anything made from them. There are recipes out there on the web that second man might like to try, but make sure the fruit is very ripe. Think of bananas needing to ripen for use use in banana bread - and then some.

    1. Interesting, I had no idea. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who's had them firsthand, ha. I'll have to do some reading before I just pluck one off and eat it. What you said makes sense though. Thank you!!

  5. Sweet Marconi Red Pepper Seeds

    Difference between the bell and the sweet peppers

    1. Hmm, it could also be this!!! Thank you. I will plant the seeds and see what comes up I suppose, ha. Thank you for the info.

  6. What a treat - a bag of New Mexico peppers! And really colorful.
    Love that cow picture - she does look like she's posing.
    The Maypops' flowers are so pretty and exotic-looking.
    As a farmer's daughter, that sign is so true! I think growing things is in my genes!

    I tried to go outside today but the hordes of blood-thirsty mosquitoes drove me back inside.

    1. Thanks for all the kind words. OMG the mosquitoes are HORRIBLE now. Ugh. Stay inside where it's safe!

  7. Those peppers look really nice, so colourful! And that sign... I would much rather thank a farmer than a pharmaceutical company who engineers so much of the crap in the grocery stores these days! :)

    1. AMEN!!!! Never thought about it like that (the farmer vs pharmaceutical co). Thanks!!


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