
Sunday, September 2, 2018


Well, another weekend is here.  And it's a long one for those of us in the states with Labor Day holiday giving many of us a three day weekend. 

I didn't need to mow so I had hoped to get a lot done outside. I cleaned out the raised beds of the dead plants and weeds that were starting to creep in.

I pulled up the red garden trellises and cleaned them up.  I put them in the shed until next year.  We're still planning, but the things we will plant for the Fall garden won't need trellising.

I left the chives which have grown back again since their last trimming.  They are perennials so I'll leave them through the Winter for next year.  You can also see in this bed that I started taking apart the watering system.

I only took apart one half of the garden watering (the side we are using).  Those beds won't be used again this season so I took these inside, cleaned them up and put them in the storage box. 

I felt the first few drops of water, the sky started darkening and we could hear thunder.  Outside under trees is probably not the best place to be so it was time to go inside.  Did a few things inside but the rain started to get heavy, we felt it best to leave.  

Here is the radar today: Washout.  If this looks like a tropical storm (on the animated radar, it rotates), it isn't one officially. What it is though is tropical moisture that is rotating like it might if it were a named storm.  That's why were are experiencing heavy rains today. 

"J" sent us this picture of the ditch in front of the property.  We've definitely gotten some rain, she said about 2 1/2" so far.  I wish we could share it with the parts of the country/world that need it. 

Tomorrow is our day off but or course it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow too.  Sounds like a good day to sleep in and do some Fall planning.  

Hope your weekend is going better!


  1. Wow, 2.5 inches already for the Farm! Nothing here but a few drops, although radar shows rain all around.
    With all of your garden work, you're ready for the Fall Garden. The local nursery already has cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower plants, so I'll start with that and add other things as it gets cooler. My okra and peppers are still producing - they sure are tough little rascals!
    Happy Holiday tomorrow!

  2. Taking care of parts of things, cleaning and storing them where you can find them, will make the parts last longer. Plus, you can find them! It just drizzles for a few minutes here. Even though there is rain all around, it never seems to come here. One day, there was no rain in the whole county. But, it has rained every day, sometimes deluges, in the whole state, just not here.

  3. Always nice to get garden beds cleaned up, put away before the cooler months arrive and another item to cross off your 'to do' list.
    My peppers are still growing and producing like gang busters. Once my peppers finish up producing I will be making some hot sauce of which our son-in-laws having been wanting & waiting for.

    No rain here but have slight chance for today and tomorrow
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening

  4. I need to re pot 2 cannas I bought this summer. They like it better in the sun than shaded area. Way too hot to do it when I bought them. Easier to move them into garage this fall with my Coleus I want to winter over as well. Enjoy the rain...we're still waiting for it here. Thought we get some Thurs but clouds moved on without giving us rain. least it's cooler. Enjoy your holiday weekend!


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