
Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Here's another sheet pan breakfast we make.  This I guess is sort of like a sheet pan omelet.  It's a variation on another one that we do.

We roasted some new potatoes and sliced up sausage (already fully cooked) on a sheet pan. Tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper (potatoes cut in half) and then roasted it all at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes or until the potatoes are fork tender. 

We had some bacon already cooked from a few days before.  We like to keep cooked bacon on hand, you never know when you might need it, it's like duct tape for the kitchen, ha. We crumbled up several slices on a sheet pan.

Add the potatoes and sausage to the bacon and scatter about evenly. Yes bacon and sausage, this is a meat lovers omelet, ha.

Six eggs in a bowl with herbs and seasonings to taste.  Here we used about 1 TBSP onion flakes, 1 tsp garlic powder,, 1 tsp dried parsley, salt, pepper and some red pepper flakes, again it's really all to taste and of course to your personal preference. 

Pour egg mixture over meat and potatoes.

Scatter 1 cup shredded cheese (this is a Monterrey jack blend) over the top of all and pop in the oven.  

Sheet pan omelet
Bake in the oven at 400 degrees, for about 20 minutes or until eggs are set and cheese is melted and bubbly.  All you really want to do is make sure the eggs are set and cooked.

Slice it up and serve.  It's great for breakfast or a lunch or even a snack. We can eat on it for a couple of days several times.  It's very flexible you could add veggies, other meats, different cheese, more seasonings, etc.  



  1. Hoo boy! This looks delicious, can't wait to try it. Too bad I already have started preparing our supper for tonight. Wouldn't mushrooms go well!

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  3. Looks Wonderful.
    Make yourself a omelet - biscuit sandwich. Make you some home made biscuits or get you a tube of the Pillsbury Grands and bake; cut your omelet in nice squares and put on biscuit for a nice breakfast sandwich.

  4. Just gotta make this very soon! Mmm! I like the idea of adding some vegetables. And Dianne’s idea of mushrooms - great suggestion. And Colleen’s idea of homemade biscuits - down-home decadence!
    “like duct tape for the kitchen” - LOVE that! And so true!

  5. OMG looks like a breakfast pizza! :)

  6. Who are you people?? Left over bacon!? Wha?...How?...I don't understand. :D

  7. I have enjoyed your recipes! And I share them with my daughter in Oklahoma. The roast beef with the vegetable gravy! And now this one which looks so delicious. Keep them coming! They are much appreciated.


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